Disability And Discrimination

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Discriminatory Practices against the Disabled Individuals


Mr. Dennis Roberts

Manager, Human Resources,

Sundance Software

92785, Wales, UK

Dear Mr. Roberts,

I received a call to appear for an interview in respond to my recent application and the company vowed to provide sign language interpreter for my convenience. But, a day before an interview, I received another call and informed that the interview is postponed for some reason. After few days, Betty received another letter from company informing her that, due to serious staff shortages, they had had to go ahead with the first round of interviews, as planned, and had now filled the post for which she had applied (Acemoglu, 2003, pp.96).

Recruitment of disabled persons in the service has always been a challenge. The representation of this group exceeds its availability in the workforce, mainly because of self-identification of employees with disabilities, who are older than other officials. However, the recruitment rate for this group is less than its availability in the labour market for several years, and the departure rate is twice the observed rate of recruitment (Altonji, 1999, pp. 3143-259). If it is not monitored and corrected, this trend is likely to affect the representation of this group, as employees with disabilities in the baby boom generation will leave the federal public service. The renewal of the Public Service - a federal government priority - offers a way to reverse this trend.

This paper aims to identify the issue and key barriers to the recruitment of disabled people like Bretty in UK labour market and the discrimination they face. According to the analysis, although a legislative framework for disability and employment has been established in several countries, improvements in recruiting and integration of disabled persons in the workforce are highly variable, and often depend on government priorities and commitment of senior management in this regard (Baldwin, 1999, pp. 7-27). It should be noted that it is difficult to compare data from different countries - or various programs within the same country - the sources of data vary considerably from one country to another, like the very definition of term disability. This variety of differing definitions affects the development and implementation of most laws, policies and programs related to disability and the interaction between them.


UK labours Law and Disable People

Legislation on disability in UK has existed since 1944. Disability Discrimination Act imposes on society is significant responsibilities in relation to people with limitations in health. Thus, the obligations of the employer are to create favourable conditions for recruitment, adapting the workplace disability, improve education and professional development, career advancement (Bazen, 2000, pp. 57-69). When a contract of employment is necessary to provide that person with disabilities is at a disadvantage compared with persons without disabilities. Public services and businesses must provide persons with disabilities access to goods, facilities and services provided by the entire population. They are not allowed to deny people with disabilities in the service or offer the services of lower quality. In England, a defined broad regulatory framework for the development ...
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