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Disability and Work - An Evidence from UK labor force

Disability and Work - An Evidence from UK labor force


As there is a main issue in the United States of America, that there is disabled workforce that impact on the legislation of the country. Recently, economists have started to examine these issues in the United Kingdom (UK). This has become the main issue in the UK as one of the five persons is disabled working age and direct and indirect disabled persons are affecting so many individuals. However, these issues are examined by the government of UK, in which it is assumed that the employment rate will be increased from 75% to 80% by the year of 2010. Such type of economies in which inactive persons are there and likely to be engage themselves as disabled, will need in future, to re-engage themselves in to labor market (www.papworth.org.uk).

The aim of this paper is to analyze the literature of United Kingdom (UK), a present knowledge, evaluation of problems and recommending the important working place in future. The rights of disability regarding the attitudes movement of public are towards accessing to transport, building and transport. But this paper highlights that still the disabled person have been experiencing the disadvantages in every aspects of life (www.papworth.org.uk).

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995

It was a 1995, and its main goal "to make it illegal to discriminate against persons with disabilities in contact with employment, and to provide facilities, goods and services or conduct or management of buildings ". From the point of this paper, related segments most in the second part are those of the law, which relates to issues of work, in particular, with regard to employment, conditions of work, promotion, training and dismissal. It has become different parts of the implementing legislation of the various dates, with the vast majority of provisions work which will enter into force on 2 December 1996.

There is a major issue for a purpose related to the legislation that is primary concerned towards the definition of discrimination. According to the act of 1995 people to disable "if the mental or physical disability which are have some impairment so, it indicates the negative impact on the abilities for carrying out day to day or normal activities.

UK in Context

As comparison of the disability problems, the most incidence of disability has occurred in the United Kingdom than rest of the Europe. Among the 15 European countries, the UK is the second highest country that has disability issues. The most common problems in the nature of disability, is commonly back or neck problems including heart, circulation, feet and legs (Gooding 2000, pp.536). There is approximately 18% of people who are disabled and were born with disability and some of them are the results of work related diseases including injuries and accidents. As a consequence of working activities, men are likely to be disabled than a woman.

There is lower employment rate of the disabled people compared to the employment rate of non-disabled ...
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