Directed Methods Analysis

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Directed Methods Analysis


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and conduct a directed methods analysis on the article 'Change agents, networks and institutions: A contingency theory of organizational change', written by Battilana & Casciaro. This article assessed the effects of structural closure on the readiness to initiate and accept change, within an organization, based on which a contingency theory was then developed. For the process of data collection, the researchers used a combined approach, which included both, the quantitative and the qualitative data. The results of this study concluded that a change agent's level of structural closure has an impact on the initiation of a change process that either diverges or converges with the overall organizational objectives.

Directed Methods Analysis


Yes, the article is published in a recognized scholarly journal which is named as the Academy of Management Journal. The concerned authorities of this journal have been publishing crucial reading material for management scholars, for over the last five decades. Published six times a year, the articles of this journal are rapidly cited in various media portals and other journal articles as well (, 2013).


The purpose of this article was to develop a contingency theory to study the effects of structural closure on the readiness to initiate and accept change within an organizational setting. The authors of the study did manage to achieve their goal and concluded that if the agent responsible for initiating change has a low level of structural closure, he will be aided in initiating change that diverges from the overall organizational objectives. However, a potential amount of hindrance would be experienced if the change being initiated deviates to a lesser degree, from the general goals of the organization (Battilana & Casciaro, 2012).


Yes, there is a gap in the study of literature for this article. The research done has focused majorly on the impact of the formal designation of the change agents in a particular organization, rather than considering their informal position within an organization's network. To address this gap, the authors used the approach suggested by Ibarra (1993). According to this approach, the centrality of a change agent's network is supposed to have an influence on the success of his initiative. In their study too, the authors have signified the impact of structural closure within a network, which influences a change agent's capability to initiate and execute change.


Yes, the methodology adopted for answering the authors' research question was appropriate. The study's sample size was appropriate, and the amount of efforts put in were also considerable. The research design utilized was longitudinal case studies, therefore, it included data collection over an extended period of time, to study the extent of closure in relation to the initiatives taken by a change agent. In addition to this, proper follow-up sessions were conducted carefully, so as to review the outcomes of the initiatives taken. To ensure the credibility of the data, these follow-ups incorporated the opinions of the change agent along with two other informants, only ...
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