Dinner To Remember

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Dinner to remember

Dinner to remember


Mega event was organized for the most famous people from the history. The event invites the people belonging to a different school of thoughts who played an important role by their inventions and capabilities. The event comprises of a formal dinner which invites the famous and renowned artists, philosophers, politicians, theorists and scientists from history. The guests invited in the memorable dinner in the history of the world consist of the artist that includes Leonardo Da Vinci and Walt Disney. Some other popular guests consist of scientists, inventors and philosophers of their times who laid down the foundation for the further research and development of science and technology. The invitation is given to Albert Einstein, Aristotle and Isaac Newton under these categories. The politicians from the past whom people follow as the role model by different people these days are also in the guest list this include Benjamin Franklin, Adolf Hitler, Abraham Lincoln Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus. These are the most famous people from the history, and almost every person is well aware from their contributions. These people are still in the minds and hearts up till now due to their extra ordinary contributions and the work they conducted in their respective fields.


Mainly Focus is made to make the event most memorable for the guests as well as for the entire world. This dinner will be one of its own kind in which the people who got significant value in the past in are revived in the modern era of science and technology. Everything have changed in this era. However, whatever we are enjoying and experiencing in this modern era is due to struggle and hard work of people from the past. This thing can never be under estimated that the foundation of this modern era of science and technology was laid by these scientists, philosophers and the artists. Today when they will come in this modern world and observe that still their teachings are followed then this will make them proud of themselves.

The organizers have tried their best to make this event successful. They have totally worked over the ancient theme. Even the venue selected for this dinner is also according to the nature and background of the guests. The dinner party is arranged at Tulum Mexico. The archeological site of Tulum is at a cliff top, which provides an ancient as well as scenic view. This site is also away from the main cities which will also provide the comfort zone the guests. The cuisines and the dishes have been selected according to the taste buds of the guests. Ancient dishes are prioritized to cater the choice of the guests. Mostly Italian food will be provided in the party. The menu will contain the four course meals. The guest wills start with the appetizer which includes antipasto. Wine will be served with food to boost up the mood of the guests. After that, mouth watering dishes made up of cheese, bread ...
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