The attitude of a student influences the learning abilities. Some students can have a positive attitude for learning, however not for the environment of school. This influences their learning ability in that environment. We can say that perception is related to attitude, and the understanding of a situation, by a student, can be proper or not. Efficient teachers monitor perceptions and attitudes of students on continuous basis, and work efficiently in order to order to help learners to develop positive attitudes for learning, through knowledge sharing and classroom environments. Debate about negative or inaccurate perception assists in articulating confusions and concerns, and it deepens the understanding of teacher's intentions and classroom relationships. This has been argued that our relationship with other individuals, mainly how people are cared in all attributes of their lives, have an impact on how they find themselves in their world. A kind attitude for other individuals and for the humanity around us creates a firm foundation for the development of personal beliefs of students regarding themselves. All the teachers have this responsibility to shape and define the relationship that forms in his or her classroom (Noddings, 1984).
One to One Lesson
Dancing can be very much useful in detrmining the attitude and perception of students for leaning. The teacher tries back to back dancing with students in order to make them learn easily. Teacher can play music, make students stand in back to back position. Teacher then encourage students to explore different tempos, rythms and levels, after that teacher must discuss with the students that how the music influenced their movement.
Small Group lessons
Make a group of 3 students, have students analyze positions of dance they see in a video or in the performance. Ask them to look for shapes that bodies of dancers make as they move across the stage. As the students to draw the positions of dance that they observed in a video or performance, then identify the geometric shapes that students created.
Large Group Lessons
For the speech activity select 6 students. Manager of leaning forms a border across the room, from one end that strongly agree to the other end that strongly disagree. The individuals are asked to read the statement and each of the learners has to go and stand in the region that best signifies to their view. Then chosen learners are asked to ...