Digital Marketing Plan

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Digital Marketing Plan

Digital Marketing Plan


The digital marketing technology is an important new medium of communication between the consumers and the producers to market their products. The digital marketing is a new medium that use different mediums of marketing for introducing the products and services to the customers. There is a growing number of Construction in the world that are mainly operating at small scale. These Construction are diverse in their nature and needs to adopt different channels for advertising and marketing their products. The digital marketing has proved to be a successful channel for the small and medium sized enterprises (Construction) to market their products and increase their sale. The raised competition in the market has made these small and medium sized firms to adopt new and different means of technology for introducing and advertising their new and old products and services that are cost effective as well. The effectiveness of digital marketing cannot be ignored not only for the Construction but also for the large firms that need cost competitive strategies. This new channel of marketing has proved itself to be cost effective and easy to use for the officials. The digital marketing includes advertising through the digital display; internet and other mediums like mobile phones, radio and television. All these channels of marketing are considered to be very important for increasing sales of the Construction. Moreover, it is largely believed that the future of the Construction lies in the E-marketing that is widely accepted among the market leaders.

In the last few years internet has entered into the life of a common person like fire spreading through the woods. After the opening of first internet store in year 1990s the overall shopping trend online has increased by many fold. It usages has completely revolutionized us in every aspect of life. The users now have complete access to anything they want. Internet now has turned into a mode of business rather than just helping tool for business. In 2009 internet contributed around 100 billion pounds to UK economy that was 7.2 % of it GDP (Robinson 2010). In the recent years dedicated online stores have popped up which are directly selling clothing on their sites. Fortunately they are doing well due their diverse target audience all over the world but the competition is rising.

Impact of Digital Marketing

An exhaustive body of literature exists on how sport organizations can effectively utilize the Internet as their primary marketing medium. This is no surprise since the Internet has grown at a more rapid pace than all other forms of electronic technology as well as all other communication media (Berthon, Pitt, & Watson, 1996). With thewidespread development of the Internet and its increasingly predominant use by consumers over the last decade, sport marketers at all levels of sport are eager to establish an online presence (Filo, Funk, & Hornby, 2009). The Internet allows sport marketers to reach consumers on a level beyond the scope of traditional ...