Digital Marketing Plan

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Digital Marketing Plan

Digital Marketing Plan



Online offerings are presented to consumer target markets through the internet using different portals including websites and social media channels. As such, these new age mediums, digitally market company products. Moreover, these digital channels are gaining increasing focus by the marketers. Organizations and companies use online offerings to deal with their respective types of consumers which may have differing key characteristics, online behaviour, other media consumption habits, lifestyle and wants and expectations (Wilkins, 2013, Pp. 5-20).

Engineering companies such as Acrow Bridge and Mabey Bridge are using online tools to market their products to their consumer base. Following is a comprehensive report presenting an in-depth analysis of the use of digital marketing by the mentioned companies to gage interest of their clients and end users. The first section of the paper, would initiate by highlighting the fundamental analysis of the online presence of the two companies. This analysis would explore the good and bad practices incorporated by the companies on their websites to gage market interest in their products. This analysis would be most helpful in presenting a comprehensive and objective digital marketing strategy for Mabey Bridge to pursue, with respect to their new product innovation, known as Eco-Bridge. As such key objectives of the digital strategy would be identified. Further, the report will carry an outlined digital marketing plan that will deliver the key objectives identified in the earlier section. The digital marketing plan would be accentuated with respect to its objectivity by incorporating the tactical aspects of the purposed digital marketing mix for Mabey Bridge. This analysis would be ideal to present to the company strategic initiatives that are aimed to enhance the web presence of the company, and thus improve its performance, with respect to digital marketing (Spence, 2010, Pp. 7-14).

Offer of Acrow Bridge

Acrow Bridge is an engineering company. Its main product is crafting bridges. However the company does not see its main product as simply an assembly of steel components. The company considers their products as a part of society and culture of the place it is built in. Acrow think of their products, the bridges, as a 'social' bridge; as the website suggests it is “vital lifeline linking communities around the world” (, 2013). The company builds its products with utmost responsibility. This responsibility is not limited to providing social connections. Rather, it is also focused on replacing the existing legacy infrastructures, around cities and villages, and presenting engineering solutions that are created after envisaging rebuilding for these places. These places may have seen a vicious disaster, or war or any other nature anomaly. However, Acrow claims to redefine this destruction. This is what they realize to be their chief responsibility.

The online official website of the company is highly detail oriented with respect to outlining the above mission and vision of the company. The company uses 'color psychology' in fusion with the web design to illustrate their socially oriented and civic ...