Digital Marketing

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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is the development of the organization or its products and services using one or more digital channels, including the emails, social networks, cellular phones and other similar ones. As a matter of fact, this term has been floating for a quite awhile, but does not seem to be properly defined. Digital marketing also includes the channels like RSS, blogging, video streams, etc. However, in order to better make the concept more vivid, let use discuss what does digital marketing does not inculcate. It does not include the conventional marketing tools like TV, radio, billboards advertisement, since they does not support instant feedback and report.

Internet is backbone of digital marketing, this serves both as a very powerful marketing medium and as a communication vehicle (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012).

The internet can be utilized to endorse a particular message to someone using emails, RSS, voice messaging, i.e. push strategy; however, the pull approach would be done with the use of banner ads and pay per click. From a holistic point of view, digital marketing includes both push as well as pull strategies to carry out marketing campaigns. With the wide scale popularity of this medium, many of the organizations use these tools as a part of their active marketing strategy. However, with the passage of time, this channel has developed certain challenges pertaining to products and services. The misuse of this kind of medium can debilitate the overall standing of a particular brand. As a matter of fact, there happened to be many defamation campaigns over this kind of medium to weaken the positioning of the brand. However, with the inconsistent monitoring and participation, digital marketing can backfire and will ultimately dampen the brand perception (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012)


In this paper, the principles of digital marketing would be discussed with the broad spectrum implications over the products and services offered by Ryan Air, furthermore, the digital marketing strategy would be devised based on the critical analysis.

Part 1

Digital Marketing

Digital technology has provided new paradigms of selling products and services. It, however, provides the consumer with a diversified way of accessing the quality of quantity of information. Now consumers can choose products based on their choices, including the price, value etc. Moreover, the element of third party in this particular domain is also important, which helps a lot to share the final decision of the consumer. Digital marketing have created a fundamental shift in the traditional concept of the marketing. With this technology, the balance of power has now been shifted from the producers to the consumers, primarily due to broad spectrum of available information catering particular product or service (Wymbs, 2011, pp. 93-106).

The digital revolution with is broad access and the empowerment of consumers is packed with certain uncertainties. The environment is changing at a fast pace, that by the time an appropriate solution becomes obsolete as the time passes. In order to meet such kind of scenario, organizations need to have rapid response architecture for ...
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