Digital Marketing

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Digital Marketing

Executive Summary

The concept of Internet Marketing has expanded rapidly over the past several years. The success of the Internet Marketing has enabled the opportunities for the Digital Marketing that is offering a lot of potential to the customers. The concepts such as SEO, Pay per click, Blogs, Social Networks and many other tools have revolutionized the Digital Marketing. The relevant theories of traditional marketing are also applied in the Digital Marketing and the detailed research is also included for exploring further opportunities in this concept. The evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications, Growth of Social Media, Technical Aspects of Social Marketing and the advancement of Social Media Applications were highlighted in detail in the topic. The possible recommendations and the future course of action were also mentioned in order to define the scope of Digital Marketing. The success factors were also covered in order to demonstrate the effective of existing plans and strategy. Therefore, all the issues related to the topic were discussed in detail.

Executive Summaryii


The Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications1

Relationship between Marketing and Social Media Marketing3

Growth of Social Media4

Technical Features of Social Media Marketing5

The advancement of Social Media applications7

The role of Social Networks in the Communication9

Possible Recommendations for Digital Marketing Strategies11



Digital Marketing


The concept of Digital Marketing has achieved a lot of success in the past and is offering a bright scope for the internet users in the future. The rate of consumption of the Internet by different kinds of users is very high. The market for the online advertising is offering a lot of opportunities to the companies. This case is especially relevant for sponsored search advertising which is much more dominant than display advertising in the online advertising section. Google has the highest market share amounting 77 percentage. The revenues of the companies have also increased from $410 million in 2002 to $21.1 billion in 2008. The major advantage of the search advertising is that it produces a strong link between the customer's needs and the advertisement message. The access to the large audience produces a platform for all the advertisers to exert maximum efforts for boosting sales and acquiring new customers. The strategy must be also prepared by keeping in mind the factors related to mass traditional advertising. There must be a difference in this regard. Therefore, all the issues and aspects related to Digital Marketing will be discussed in detail.

The Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications

Marketing relates back to ancient concepts of selling goods and services, but was not refined into a function of sales until the late nineteenth century when mass communication and national markets caused manufacturers to recognize advertising as a valued supplement to the sales process. The Four Ps theory was the basis for marketing practice and education with no focus on the customer, only the “siloed” internal orientation of product management, pricing, distribution and advertising or promotion. According to Schultz (2004), for forty years, the Four Ps theory was deemed successful if all four Ps were implemented correctly, then ...
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