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Nike: Digital Marketing Strategies

Nike: Digital Marketing Strategies


Nike first appeared in digital media in 1996 on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Atlanta with the site In 2004, together with Gawker fired Blog 'Art of Speed ??', but more powerful blow came just two years later, when, in collaboration with Google launched Orkut - social networking platform based on the solution. This page was designed for young footballers and brought together more than a million people around the world. At about the same time, Nike has appeared on MySpace (their profile dedicated to football had over 50 thousand. fans and was one of the largest corporate profiles on the site), and YouTube .

In 2009, they were already present on Facebook, QQ in China, MXit in South Africa. Today, Nike digital marketing strategies cover more than 23 million fans around the world. Nike felt the windward and since last year began to introduce more sports themes to the community. Jesse Stollak, Head of Global Digital Brand and Innovation explains that Nike began aggressive actions in the most important social networks in different countries around the world and is currently engaged in them, more than 50 million consumers.

Jesse Stollak: "The community's great to develop - currently we have over 5 million users, we have created for their special products (Apke Nike + GPS and sports watch GPS that allow you to save and share your favorite trails to run - it is currently the largest database of trails for cross the world), we have developed a lot of new features - improved map application 'cheer me on,' which lets your friends on facebook motivate each other during the workout.” Last page started to have performance problems and meets with criticism of its users - but Nike has announced the 2012 refresh of the entire mechanism, which is run more efficiently and faster than usual, and, above all, is to give even more social pleasure.


Digital Marketing and Internet

Some studies addresses the digital marketing from the precept that much consumers of a company accesses the internet and that the internet environment directly affects the marketing of a company, whether in corporate communications, is advertising, and will affect the company without it does not invest in the digital world. According to the author, invest in internet marketing is not just about the company create a website, a blog or performing banner ads; investment isolated and without coordination means waste of resources. The author's recommendation is first understand generally the digital marketing and therefore plan coordinated and efficient and which are connected (Argenti & Barnes, 2009).

The effects of digital technologies led in traditional marketing revolution where the consumer before a member of the audience strategic context of the whole company, became the protagonist of the strategies. However, changes also the shape of the brand relationship with the consumer, because this relationship has existed other relationship between consumers using multiple digital platforms to strengthen this relationship

Nike Digital Marketing Strategies

Nike in all its activities ...
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