Digital Libraries And Interface

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Digital Libraries and Interface

Digital Libraries and Interface


It is clear that digital technology affects our lives, and knowledge can not be an exception. In recent years, many of the educational institutions in the world, and associations and groups of diverse range, struggling to get the digitization of major works, articles and content that support the education and research at all levels. The digital library projects are emerging as one of the great innovations that gives us the network and also as one of the tools that will help us to universal consciousness. These libraries are not only understood as a database but as tools that facilitate access to knowledge from all parts of the world to the largest possible number of works by both public institutions and private organizations (Scholtz, 2000, 111). Assuming that digital libraries are increasingly offering their services to users from a web environment and the importance of resolving the information needs of these, it is logical that we aim to analyze the usability of that environment. It is important to stress the fact that without the active intervention of a user, this interface is only one element and expositor of services Information. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate new types of interface of digital libraries that better cover the exploratory search. We can find digital libraries in countries like the U.S., where technology has a higher level of social penetration in Europe.

We have seen that new type of interfaces have been beneficial to better cover the exploratory search. But before examining this point we will do a bit discussion on interfaces of digital libraries. There are two separate interactive interfaces, the user interface and the Librarian Interface. Common user interface to access digital libraries allows you to search in the constituent databases (digital collections) using the same tools in a single system, in spite of the diversity of these collections. Users access the digital library via the user interface that runs within a Web browser. The librarian interface is a graphical user interface based on Java (also available as an applet) that makes it able to gather material for a collection (available on the web if necessary), enrich it by adding metadata to design features of search and browsing the collection and provide the user to build and serve the collection (Candela, 2011, 193).


The new interfaces of digital libraries are playing following major roles

The formulation needs of the user information: the interface allows the user to express their need in the form of a request

Control type defined by the system interface it means the system can control the level of knowledge the user in the field having various query, and thus classified in a well defined type. This type of user is determined according to three categories: novice users, regular users and experts. This typology can help the system to choose the basis of interrogation

Control formulation of the query: the interface provides the user with assistance during the construction and query when searching ...