Different Styles In Policing

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Different Styles in Policing

Different Styles in Policing


It is important not to forget that the responsibility for determining needs and expectations is always the authorities and not the police, even if the police may be responsible for their collection. It should be noted however that does not resolve the question of positioning concerns authorities in relation to those of the population. In the system of "democracy” representative "must however assume that the authorities will take the decision last. But it is important that the expectations and needs different population groups are taken into account. However, this paper will be discussing different styles of policing.


Community-oriented policing (COP)

Community policing is a concept that comes from Canada: in many areas police indeed, this country has been creative and innovative and has served as a model for old Europe. The new two-level integrated police, impressed by the results achieved in Canada by the concept of community oriented policing, made the methodological foundation of its operation, its cultural and philosophical. Community policing, known in French community oriented policing, wants out with a certain image of the police, who would have a horizon that repression and as the only preventive perspective that the fear she can inspire the citizen. Community policing is a new philosophy of policing, which is based on the concept that creative forms of interaction between police officers to citizens (Colvin, 2005). The idea of community policing was initially found in late 1970s. The word community oriented policing sits on five key principles:

External orientation: The police are not turned in on itself. It is an integral part of society, and been open. She is quickly aware of what's happening in security, crime and adapts. When she sets goals, it is taking into account the expectations of the population of the community it integrates.

The work-oriented problem solving: the phenomena offenders and criminals often draw their roots in dysfunctions within the community. The police got down to identify these causes, these triggers and influence them to take the problem at its root.

The Partnership: The police are not solely responsible for the failures of the security level: it is only a link in the chain. The communal, social, families, schools ... Many partnerships are possible, everyone is really concerned about the safety of his city, his neighborhood, his house.

Justification: The policy is no longer a black box; it must be able to account for its operation, on his way to meet the needs of the community.

The involvement can: Involvement can mean that the police have a critical reflection on their own tasks and how they are made. The officer must also be involved in the decision making process. The implication is also partners of the police. Under the partnership between police and citizens, everyone should be part of a process of democratic decision making (Hughes, 2004).

Strengths and weaknesses

Police actions on specific districts and locations

Multifaceted role of police

Delegation of responsibility to police

Problem-Oriented Policing (POP)

Problem oriented policing in circumstances where there is high ...
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