Different And Equal Or Different And Better (A Healthcare System Comparision Of Germany And Usa)

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Different and Equal or Different and Better

(A Healthcare System Comparision Of Germany And USA)

Different and Equal or Different and Better


It's still sort of difficult to accept that there are a number of uninsured people in US. The system of healthcare in the States isn't as incredible as it ought to be. Healthcare in U.S is the most expensive health care system in the world. United States spends on health system more than any other country, both in absolute terms and in relation to GDP per capita. According to the latest estimates of the United States for medical care consumes about 16% of GDP. It is expected that the share of GDP allocated to health care in the United States, will increase and by 2017 will reach 19.5%. However, in the last 30 years increased spending on this sector is mainly due to government programs, which can seriously undermine the financial stability of the country (Shi & Singh, 2009).

In comparison to U.S. the health system in Germany is the oldest in Europe; it can be a model for many other countries. Despite the global crisis, Germany reforming health care system. The father of universal health care system in Germany is considered to Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. The basic assumptions of the current health care system, which pays for the services are functioning independently sickness, were enacted in 1883. Although Germany has so far functioned largely privatized healthcare market, it was decided that there is still insufficient personal supervision and in 2009 started the implementation of the new reform (Hoffmann, Hartmann & Kugler, 2011). In Germany, Hospital services are available to all insured persons on payment of a surcharge of 10 Euros for each day, but not more than 280 per year. Hospital treatment is preceded by a treatment of part-time, for example, associated with the preparation of the patient for surgery. Moreover, accommodation costs borne by patients themselves, the same goes for care during recovery.

Healthcare system in Germany

The current model of the German health care system is the oldest in the world, and its elements are, to varying degrees taken over and adapted by many other countries. It is based on general insurance, which currently covers the vast majority of the German population. The health care system is decentralized, characterized by federalism and the delegation to non-governmental corporate role of the main actors of the system of social health insurance: associations of doctors and dentists accredited providers' side, and sickness funds and their associations, on the buying side (Koch, 2011).

In Germany, outpatient services are largely under the responsibility of independent doctors who work as independent contractors in their offices to the SHI. Physicians who provide care to insured funds must, by law, be accredited with the National Association of SHI Physicians. Each of the sixteen states shares responsibility with the central government for the hospital, while the SHI providers exert some control over operating costs (Wendt & Rothgang, 2009).

The Ministry of Health is proposing laws to the health sector that ...