Differences Between Generation

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Differences between generation


Time has changed since the birth of modern era technology. Our lives have completely changed since gadget and technology with respect to fifty years or so. There was a time when we use to wait for mails, real mails of people we know. Now it is one second away. With the new smart phones, we have we can easily communicate to people all around the world. The thing to focus on is the concepts of reality that has been changed with respect to time. This paper discusses variations of how we have changed with the way of communication with respect to horizon of time.


Imagine a time when people use to send mails and wait for it to process. This whole idea and conceptual phenomena has changed with respect to time. All the processes have also changed. Every single process that were use to perform fifty years ago has changed because of the fact of time. Everything we do now is done in less time comparatively. The change in time has changed our lives. Everything we do now is done at a very fact pace compared to before. This generation gap if you look at it is not actually making time. Since we do everything a very fact pace we get more time to do other things as well. However, this more time is not a beneficial factor for us as humans or in the sense of spending time. We get more time to do everything we want to but we cannot because there is so much to do. As humans evolve, we understand that evolution has changed our genes forever. It is an ongoing process and it will never stop because humans are made to adapt with changes we occur in this world. If this adaptation theory or concept did not exist than our kind would have been extinct many years ago.

Now if we want to talk to anyone or get in contact with any one all we have to do is pick up our smart phone (Mead, Margaret & Colin, 1970). There is a reason why the current world we live in is called a global village. Everything is almost seconds away. With the help of internet and access to technology, we have everything in our hands.

Look at the culture fifty years ago. How people around us use to meet? The answer is very simple. They ...
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