Differences And Similarities Between Males And Females

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Differences and Similarities between Males and Females

Differences and Similarities between Males and Females


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts relating to our topic, i.e., the differences and similarities between males and females. In recent times, there has been talk of differences between the two sexes (male and female). Several publications have indicated how each works in different ways in order to find greater understanding and tolerance between both gender parties.

This paper is dedicated to examine where they are and how they are really the nuances of these differences, looking for ways and possibilities of using them as interesting individual complements and relational development. Several researchers have found similarities, however, they are traditionally undervalued because they are repressed or forgotten behind the conflicts caused by misused differences (Frolich, 2000). In the next section, we will examine the basic differences and similarities between males and females.

Discussion & Analysis


From early times, the men and women were defined as opposites. However, with the passage of time, only the most superficial aspects were perceived and become more apparent. The man are physically much stronger and more rational than women, working more from the head, and of course assuming the protection of women and children, besides being the one who should bring food for the family. Women have naturally accustomed to household services and care for children, dedicated to providing men with a home where he could find rest after returning from his conquests and hunting.

As man has been more turned to the outside world, he assumed a power and a prominent place in societies that were established. The decisions (or even the less) important were decisions of man. Women, on the other hand, accompanied men and rarely had a voice to change the course of events, and even when women made a speech, it was never visible or expressed publicly. The patriarchal system has been defined and has installed more than 5000 years. In the twentieth century, man still occupied this place of greater external influence, as the patriarchal era still prevailed (Pfaus, 1995).

With the passage of time, the woman became more present, and with appreciable speed and began to take place until then only positions that were occupied by men. Attitude and behavior of men and women is now focused in intimate relationships (whether in the family or in other situations). What is most striking is to see that in general men are very lonely, very fragile internally and with few resources to play, understand and integrate the deep pain that consumes their abilities and potential as human beings. The visibility in the outside world continues, but the waste of energy to maintain what is known, and to deny the obvious changes is generating an increasing imbalance, progressive psychosomatic symptoms. Many men share between them, but take their time with superficial conversations that do not actually touch anything personal and intimate, which in turn maintains and crystallizes the unconsciousness of self and other, from ...
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