Diagnostic Techniques

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Diagnostic Techniques in Pathology

Diagnostic Techniques in Pathology

Patient history

A 20 year women who was previously quite healthy began suffering from fever and a productive cough over the past 24 hours. After she was presented her GP, it was determined that she was suffering from severe chest infections. This was due to the harsh rubbing and percussion that was quite dull. This was one of the main reasons she was suffering from a productive cough. A complete physical examination was carried out on her that revealed that she was also suffering from slight temperature and blood pressure although her heart beat was normal. It is possible that the severe medical condition was due to the stress of infection as this type of infection is normal in such circumstances.

Her regular gym routine may have been responsible for this illness as she may have acquired pneumonia due to her interaction with the general public. Further tests need to be conducted in order to determine the exact illness. These tests include urine, sputum, and a test of the microbial workup of the blood.

Patient results and date

The results of the physical examination show that the patient had slight fever that was around 1?C more than normal. The results also showed that her tachycardia was round 120 BPM which is also slightly higher than normal. Compared to a normal value of 120/80 mmHg, her blood pressure was 130/90 mmHg which is not a serious case because it is slightly higher than normal.

An X-ray of the chest of the patient showed that there was some filling in her upper right of the lung, this meant that there was upper lobe pneumonia on the right side. The risk of autoimmune reaction is also present due to the C-reactive of the patient being within the range of 10-49mg/l. If this were be slightly more at 50-100mg/l, the risk of bacterial infection and arthritis inflammation could also exist.

Sputum culture and sputum gram stain were included in the sputum sample tests.

Sputum Gram stain:

Red blood cells: +

Pus cells: +++

Organisms: Gram negative bacilli seen

The sputum gram stain showed that gram negative bacilli was present in the body. This limits the bacteria possibilities to the Klebsiella or Pseudomonas. Pseudomonas are uniform sized, slender, and long; and usually slimmer and longer that Klebsiella.


no cells seen

+/- 1-3 cells per field (scanty)

+ 4-10 cells per field (light)

++ 11-20 cells per field (moderate)

+++ >20 cells per field (heavy)

The number of pus cells is high and that leads to the presence of infection in the body.

The results of the sputum culture included three types of culture agar Blood agar, CLED agar and anaerobic agar.

Sputum Culture:

Blood agar:

Heavy growth of large flat colonies, rough blue/grey sheen.Beta haemolytic.

CLED agar:

Heavy growth Green, matt, rough colonies.

Anaerobic agar:

No growth

The outcome of all agars is the presence of pseudomonas aeruginosa as all substance lead to this type of ...