Diagnosing Danger In Healthcare Setting: Governance & Security Issues Cause It Concerns About Technology Innovations

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Diagnosing Danger in Healthcare Setting: Governance & Security Issues Cause IT Concerns About technology innovations


This paper divulges and explores the health care system of United States and extends the information to the administration of the hospitals so that the health care services might be improved at a constant pace. To keep up with the technological and scientific innovations, health care providers have to adopt the changes at a fast pace. This paper sheds light on three of the most significant issues in the healthcare that include safety and governance issues along with the effects on Information Technology. The information technology is one of the most utilized in the fields of medicine and healthcare. It projects great impact on the healthcare systems and its procedures. The paper diligently discusses in detail about the issues and their implications.


United States and Healthcare1

U.S. Healthcare and History1

Healthcare Issues2


Environment of the Healthcare sectors4

Economic Conditions4

Socio-Cultural Conditions5

Legal-Political Circumstances5

Technological Conditions5

Natural Environment6

Governance Issues6


Underestimation of the Hospital Requirements7

Lack of Staff or Training7

Patient Centered Care8

Security Issues8

Immigrant Patients9

High-profile Patients9

Privacy and Confidentiality9

Information Technology and Healthcare10

Electronic Health Records and Safety10

Managing Information12

Healthcare Issues and Concerns for IT12




Provision of healthcare and its easy access is one of the many rightful privileges a citizen holds. Developed nations are considered to be developed because of the fact that they provide their nationals, all the facilities including education, healthcare and security. States have to server millions of people at a time and they have to be efficient in those servings.

United States and Healthcare

United States is one of the largest nations hosting hoards of people. It is not just about the nationals of the United States, but the state also serves to host millions of immigrant from all over the globe. Owing to the circumstantial situations for thousands of people dwelling in various states, the healthcare system of America has to be very diligent and industrious. No single theory or plan can remain the same for over a long period of time; as the healthcare system of America has to be dynamic and adaptable to change in order to deliver holistic and up-to-date health services (McGlynn, 2005).

U.S. Healthcare and History

Tracing back the history of the provision of healthcare services and the problem it had to face, we discover that there was no such formal concept of hospitals. Doctors and physicians treated the patients at home. With the advent and advancement in research and technology, the threat of germs infection and its control became more evident and the healthcare services and concept witnessed a great change. It is by no means to assert that the hospitals had put an end to the threats of germ control and other health issues; but the risks were minimized and people felt more secure (Barsukiewicz et al, 2010).

Newfound concept of hospitals also faced faulty thinking and that was; people took hospitals as places where death of the patient is the ultimate end to a disease. For this reason, we observe many people belonging to stereotypical underdeveloped tribes or nations to be apprehensive about ...