Diageo Case Study

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Diageo Case Study

Diageo Case Study

Executive summary

The Diageo case study summarizes that the company needs to manage its resources effectively by implementing an effective project that will bring a positive effect in terms of leadership and business performance. The HR will carry out better strategies that will be resulting in cost efficiency and a decrease in the total cost by 20 % reduction from previous projects. The outcome will bring competitive opportunities for the company with better process improvements and an effective functional operating model.

Organisational strategy

According to Charles effective organizational strategy enables a company to develop an organization to be capable of delivering its strategy. The organizational strategy clearly defines the need of a change required for the transformation of bringing in new skills and capabilities. The strategies are revised for the purpose of increasing the performance of the organization. The effects of the change appear over time because after the implementation of a new strategy, it then takes time for orchestrate (More, 2008).

Functional operating model

A functional operating model describes how processes and staff can be aligned to achieve optimum efficiency. The functional model consists of: Global Strategy, Policy and Governance which focuses over long term strategic thinking and planning, Business Engagement which focuses over the help for leading the business goals and implanting business priorities and lastly Solutions and services for an enhanced efficiency in increasing the quality and its standards of execution where appropriate.

Process Stakeholders and their roles

Process Stakeholders play an important role as partners, advocates, agents and sponsors of change. The stakeholders demonstrate a good leadership to show a vision and a right direction for the organizations growth and development, they even communicate effectively because a two way communication is very important to convey a message and get a clear feedback for the conveyed message. The stakeholders ensure that their targets are being met and efficiency is being enhanced effectively. Staffs are needed to demonstrate consistency and creditability at all levels because the quality of working behaviours, really matters to the stakeholders (Ipsos MORI, 2009, pp. 2-9).

Need for process improvement

The Diageo management (Human Resource) found that the there is a need of improvement in the decentralized system of the disaggregated operating model. Even the service delivery system was very time consuming. The management discovered an integrated strategy which consisted of an operating model where the reallocation of work takes place and accountabilities produce the best result in ...
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