Diabetic Neuropathy

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Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy


This document has taken three researches on the utilization of gabapentin in the treatment regimen of diabetic pain management. The researches taken are the systematic review, literature review and a Meta analysis. The researches are critically analysed for their reliability and validity and the data extracted has been evaluated for its strengths and weaknesses. The researches taken are in accordance with the condition of the given critical incident, in which John, who has been suffering from diabetic pain neuropathy, has been prescribed with gabapentin. The major aim was to evaluate the analgesic effectiveness and adverse effect of gabapentin for chronic neuropathy pain management.

Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS)

Pain is a sensation of being hurt. According to the vas pain score, the initial pain for John, before staring Gabapentin, was found to be 8. The 8 score on Vas scale refers to dreadful pain. John was started with a Gabapentin for the management of diabetic neuropathic pain. After 1 week of administration the VAS pain scale score dropped down to 7, and after nine months of therapy, the pain was calculated to be 2 on the VAS scale.

“Systematic review-Gabapentin for chronic neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia in adult”


This review has been taken from the Cochrane reviews, and it is an updated version of the two previous reviews on the same topic. This is a Systematic review. The Systematic reviews summarize evidence and aids in keeping the reader up to date without reading all published material. It also allows a large amount of data to be assimilated and allows the reader to assess the quality of the review as it shows how the review is compiled (Cray, 2010).


The authors who have conducted and written this systematic review are "Moore, R.A., Wiffen, P.J., Derry, S., and McQuay, H.J.

Problem statement

This review is conducted on the effectiveness of Gabapentin when used in diabetic neuropathic pain management and fibromyalgia. The problem is well stated, and this problem is evidently affecting the health care system.

Research methodology and Logical consistency

This Systematic review allows a large amount of data to be assimilated and allows the reader to assess the quality of the review as it shows how the review is compiled (Cray, 2010). This detailed review included twenty nine studies that incorporated different research methodologies. The review is logistically consistent and provides with an appropriate critical analysis of all the studies.

Data collection

As the researchers' states, the studies were searched and taken using different databases, including EMBASE, CENTRAL and MEDLINE. The clinical studies taken were all from valid sources, including the online published and non published studies, and all the resources were not older than 2011.

Selection criteria

The researchers have defined their exclusion and inclusion criteria for the studies. As they state, the review incorporated Randomised, double-blind studies, that evaluated the pain management and adverse effects of gabapentin. These studies were based on the assessment and management of pain using Gabapentin, specifically in diabetic neuropathic pain management. All the studies took participants who are over eighteen years of ...
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