Diabetic Case Study

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Diabetic Case Study

Diabetic Case Study



The case study is describing various patients and their condition. The patients described in the case study share the common disease of diabetes. The case study has highlighted the condition of how the patients suffer in the disease of diabetes.

Black Female

The case study shares the condition of a black female B.C who is 57 years old and is a diabetic.

She was admitted to the hospital when she was having an open wound on her left foot. The wound on her left foot kept on deteriorating and thus resulted in an infection in it.

Several months passed to heal the wound and in the end the patient had to have a knee amputation. The patient was then referred to the home health services so that the patient and the patient's family could learn more about the disease process and its management. Patient Mrs. C

Another patient Mrs. C was suffering from multiple medical conditions which were congestive heart failure, hypertension, asthma, drug addiction and spinal bifida.

Mrs. C was at that time living in the nursing home, but the patient told her family to take her out of the nursing home and make her live with them.

In spite of the patient's bad condition she used to smoke daily a packet of cigarette. She was bound to be on the wheel chair because of the amputation and was currently at a stage of receiving physical therapy along with the home health company.



The diabetes of Mrs. C was currently managed by the dosage of Humulin R 20 units 3 times a day, before taking any meal accompanied by 12 units of the lantus which was to be taken at the bed time.

It was also known that Mrs. C used to take an extra dosage of insulin whenever she used to feel that her blood sugar level was rising. It was also sure that she used to take the extra dose of insulin without the consultation of the doctor, as her doctor never instructed her to do this action.

The case study suggests this that there was witnessed a rapidly growing number of patients who were suffering from the type 2 diabetes.

Pre-diabetes It was also estimated that b the year 0f 2010, almost fifty two percent of the adult population will be suffering from pre diabetes or diabetes.

Pre-diabetes is termed as a condition in which the blood sugar levels rises high than the normal level but this level cannot be termed as diabetes.

The people suffering from this condition are often diagnosed with diabetics if they do not tend themselves towards a healthy life style in which they take measures to reduce the sugar levels in their daily intake of food (Metcalf, 2008).

Cost of Diabetes

The current cost which a diabetic suffers has been reported to be between $ 8,000 to $ 12,000 annually.

This cost excludes the prescribed drugs by the doctors. This was analyzed that a diabetic patient along with diabetics develops some physiological ...
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