Diabetes Type 2

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Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes Type 2


People who have a low income, normally looks for the help for public community health centers for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, in this treatment people are required to take one day educational workshops; this workshop is a part of the treatment of Diabetes Type 2. During this treatment people are randomly assigned either to a single education or could be assigned to a combination of acceptance, education, along with the commitment therapy. In both the groups people are taught methods which are essential for the management of Diabetes Type 2, but the people that are in the ACT are also taught to apply the methods mindfulness and acceptance for solving issues related to the thoughts of the patients and their feelings. This is the only patients among these patients and the patients receiving alone education. It was observed after three months that the patients who are under the ACT were more likely to cope up with the strategies, for better coping up with the problems related to Diabetes Type 2, and self care.


The self management for the Diabetes Type 2 requires some strict attention towards the monitoring of the blood glucose levels, food diet, daily physical activities, along with a consistent administration of the medication used by the person for diabetes. A good self management technique results in low level of glycated hemoglobin which is also known as the (HbA1C), these self management techniques have hugely reduced the number of patients suffering for complications of self management of Diabetes patients. However, education related to monitoring of blood glucose levels, food diet, daily physical activities, along with a consistent administration are an essential component for the treatment of Diabetes, but there are certain amount of researches, which show that these self management education does not always lead to a adequate treatment for Diabetes among Diabetes patients. According to the most recent data collected regarding treatment through self- management of diabetes type 2, it was found out that many treatments for self-management were normally conducted for a time period of twenty four hours has resulted in 1 percent reduction of the HbA1C (U. K. Prospective Diabetes Study Group, 1998).

However, previous researches demonstrates that regimen adherence has resulted in a reduced amount of distress among the patients suffering from diabetes type 2, and along with that it was also observed that there has been a major reduction in the level of glycemic. Many physiologically focused interventions, such as the cognitive behavioral therapy, have show mixed results regarding the factors of self-management of Diabetes type 2. In cognitive behavioral therapy researchers have attempted to teach the patients methods for controlling and eliminating the issues that are related to the thinking and feelings of stress of the patients suffering from Diabetes type 2, but it was observed that eliminating distress among the patients suffering from diabetes type is not a realistic strategy to treat a large part of population suffering from Diabetes type 2, because every ...
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