Diabetes & Hypertension

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Reducing Diabetes & Hypertension

Reducing Diabetes & Hypertension


Life is beautiful! Everyone in this world wants to live a happy and healthy life. There are certain crippling diseases that snatch all the liveliness and energy of life away. This in turn, restricts individuals to allow different pleasures of this life. Exercise can help control weight and reduce the level of blood sugar. It also reduces the risk of heart disease, a common condition in people with diabetes. Exercise can also help you feel better about yourself and improve your overall health. Besides proper medication an individual who suffers from diabetes can take care with the help of exercises and various cardiovascular aerobics. The aim of this paper is to talk about how exercises can help to control or reduce diabetes and hypertension. The precaution below if regularly follows by me I will be able to reduce the risk of diabetes and hypertension.

Diabetes & Hypertension

Diabetes is the commonest disease that poses great threat to the people. It is estimated that more than 50 percent of individuals, who are diagnosed with diabetes, die due to lack of information about the disease or improper treatment schedules. Obesity on the other hand, compounds the risk of diabetes. Thus, people, who are obese, are more likely to suffer from diabetes as compared to the individuals, who are not obese. But the fact remains that we can not single out diabetes as a consequence of obesity or vice verse, although there is substantial evidence supporting the vital role of obesity in the increasing rate of people, affected by diabetes. In fact, diabetes has had a negative impact on the health of millions of people and is continuing to deteriorate the life style of the sufferers.

High blood pressure (hypertension) is major cardiovascular risk factor, whose high prevalence and the possibility of being modified by therapeutic intervention, makes it a health issue of great interest. Along with hyperlipidemia and smoking, it is one of the three major risk factors contributing to cardiovascular disease. Of these, hypertension is the most powerful predictor of life expectancy after accounting for age and family history of each individual.

The term “diabetes mellitus "includes not a single disease but includes various metabolic imbalances, all linked to excessive concentration of glucose in the blood and urine. The body normally controls the level of glucose through the action of a hormone called insulin (see below), which is produced in the pancreas (Pender et al, 2001). Insulin has a vital function in the process of converting sugars introduced with food into a form that can be used by the body. The diabetes may be caused by two factors that interfere with this mechanism: the body may have a too little insulin, or, for some reason, the insulin produced is ineffective.

The systolic hypertensions is said to be a kind of a systolic blood pressure (SBP) that is equal to or greater than 140 mmHg, whereas having diastolic blood pressure (DBP) lower to the 90 mmHg ...
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