Diabetes Case Study

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Diabetes Case Study

Diabetes Case Study


The paper intends to solve the case study of a diabetic patient who is 45 years old male who complaint his GP about his recent problem of nocturia, increased thirst, and increased feeling of weariness. The patient also reported his GP that he experiences the episodes of nocutria while having the large pasta meals and sweet pastries. During medical assessment, the patient was found to be overweight with the increased body mass index of 35 and the identification of glucose in the urine which was around 15mmol/l. The follow up report after fasting revealed the blood sugar level around 14.3 mmol/l which indicated the type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The paper attempts to signify the concept of diabetes mellitus and also identify the processes and hormones that are involved in controlling the blood sugar levels. The diabetes mellitus is the illness which causes the person to experience the high blood sugar level either due to the inadequate production of enough insulin or the cells do not respond to the insulin which is produced in the body. Moreover, the paper will also recognize how the blood glucose tests help in diagnosing the diabetes mellitus. In addition to it, the study also aims to explain how breakdown of homeostasis contributes in developing the type 2 diabetes. The symptoms such as nocturia, increased thirst, and increased fatigue will also be described in relation with the diabetes mellitus.


The diabetes mellitus is the disease which causes to develop due to the decrease in the effectiveness of endogenous insulin. It is illness in which a person experiences the high blood sugar level either due to the inadequate production of enough insulin or the cells do not respond to the insulin which is produced in the body. In short, the diabetes is concerned with the high levels of blood sugar. The diabetes can be of three types which include the type 1 diabetes mellitus which stops the body to produce the enough insulin, the second type is the type 2 diabetes mellitus which causes to produce the insulin excessively, and the last type is the gestational diabetes which arises in the pregnant women who experience the high blood glucose level for the first time during the pregnancy. However, in the case study, the patient has been diagnosed with the type 2 diabetes mellitus which is the disorder that disrupts the way body uses the glucose. This is because, the body requires sugar to work normally and in such a case, the body stops to respond to the insulin and sugar keeps building up in the body. The type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common type of diabetes. This type of diabetes is the chronic medical condition which requires the regular monitoring and treatment to keep the blood sugar level under control and to minimize the risk of developing the other complications (McCulloch, 2012).

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