Diabetes And Exercise

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Diabetes and Exercise

Diabetes and Exercise

Case Study

The case that needs to be recommended in the case study is of a patient named Edward who had been suffering from Diabetes Type II. To maintain his glucose levels within safe limits, he is relying on the intake of insulin. He had a career as a football that he had to abandon due to a footballing accident. At present, he has a BMI of 25, a body fat percentage of 23% and heart rate of 68. His General Physician has completed a thorough check up of Edward and his happy for Edward to perform exercise that is based on appropriate recommendations and guidelines. However, due to lack of seriousness that he showed towards performing of exercises due to some reason and deviation from the diet plan that was recommended, his diabetes changed from Type II to Type I. A recommendation is needed to be made for Edward so that he can start exercising regularly according to the guidance that is provided to him.

Part One - Brief Synopsis of Issues As They Relate To Edward

Dated: 23-3-2013

24 Replingham Road


London SW18.

Dear Edward,

I hope that you are doing good and taking good care of yourself. I came to know that you had been diagnosed Diabetes Type I earlier that eventually changed to Type II due to some or the other reasons. Diabetes is a medical condition in which the patient has higher levels of sugar in the blood, either because of the pancreas does not produce insulin in quantities that his/her body requires, or because the cells do not respond to the produced insulin. If the medicines do not control the level of increased glucose, then the patient needs to get insulin injected into his body.

You were initially diagnosed with diabetes Type I when you were something around 40 years of age. This may have occurred due to the long term use of steroids following a football accident. One after the other incidents caused you to stop playing sports. Moreover, your general physician recommended you to keep a strict eye on your diet and weight. Moreover, he recommended you to take a balanced diet and perform exercise on a regular basis. However, unfortunately this had not been the case and you were frequently reported of violating the recommendations made by your general physician. These violations eventually resulted in the worsening of your medical condition, and you became very ill at the age of around 50 years.

The reason of writing this letter to you is to increase your awareness regarding diabetes and your health status along with the different remedies that are possible for the treatment of your disease. Although you had been showing a bit of irresponsible attitude towards the issue, still it is not too late. You can recover if you pay the required attention to the problem and show motivation for acting according to the medical advice. The possible treatments that can be provided to you include the injection of insulin, ...
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