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How Diet and Proper Nutrition Affect Diabetes

How Diet and Proper Nutrition Affect Diabetes


Diabetes is a growing health problem in the world today. Did you know that approximately 20.8 million children and adults are diagnosed with diabetes in the United States alone? These numbers are growing every day. The exact cause of diabetes is not clear, however, lack of exercise and obesity are huge factors in the development of diabetes. This article will give some general information about diabetes. Glucose is considered the body's fuel. We get glucose from the foods that we eat. It is not just sugar alone that is converted into glucose, but also starches and carbohydrates are chemically broken down into glucose. Without glucose your body would not function. All muscles and major organs in your body need glucose. But how does the glucose get to the proper destinations? (Ramachandran, 2007)

Eating right is a key step to preventing and controlling diabetes. Eating sweets at a meal adds extra carbohydrates. Because of this it is best to cut back on the other carb-containing foods at the same meal. Carbohydrate-rich foods include all flour products (i.e. bread, tortillas, crackers), rice, cereal, fruit, juice, potatoes, corn, etc. This will help you keep your blood glucose levels on track. Just keep in mind that these carbohydrate-rich foods have many nutrients your body needs, so don't substitute too often.


Diabetes is manageable if the proper treatment regimen is followed. Talk with your doctor and a good diabetic educator. Have your doctor set you up an appointment with a registered dietician. She can show you what you can and cannot eat on a diabetic diet. Check your blood sugar levels frequently. Educate yourself about all the treatment options out there. Lose weight and become more active. Getting a diagnosis of diabetes is no reason ...
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