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Diabetes: A health problem


Diabetes mellitus, which is more commonly known as diabetes, comes with a big group of diseases that are related to the metabolism. In this disease, a man has to suffer from a number of different diseases, like high level of sugar in the blood, etc. The reason for this problem could be numerous, it could be because the human body loses its ability to develop adequate amount of insulin or cells in the body could stop responding to the insulin, which is being produced by the body. (Egede, Zheng, and Simpson 2002, p. 464)

There are three major classes of diabetes,

Type 1 diabetes: This sort of diabetes usually occurs due to the failure of the human body to produce a sufficient amount of insulin, and the affected people have to manually inject insulin into his body. This type of diabetes is also known as “Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.”

Type 2 diabetes: This type of diabetes usually occurs due to resistance of the insulin, i.e. a condition, in which cells in the body could not utilize insulin in a proper way, and sometimes, it is combined with a downright deficiency of insulin.

Gestational diabetes: This type of diabetes occurs during the time, when the women is pregnant, she never had a problem of diabetes ever before, and she posses a very high level of glucose in the blood during pregnancy period. (Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group 2002, p. 393)

Some complications


Retinopathy is a non-inflammatory lesion retina of the eyeball. The main causes are circulatory disturbances that lead to the breakdown of blood supply to the retina. Retinopathy is considered as a complication of diabetes. (Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group 2000, p. 1619)


Neuropathy is a disease of the nervous system peripheral. A high number of diabetic patients have the tendency to damage their nervous system at some point in their lives. The three major forms of nerve damage are peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, and mononeuropathy, although the most common is the peripheral, which mainly affects the legs and feet of the patient. (DeRubeis and Crits1998, 52)

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is another complication that can occur because of diabetes. A diabetic patient has a lot of chances to develop the complication of diabetes in his/her life. (Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group 1999)

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes or gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy. Women are also diagnosed with gestational diabetes, when glucose tolerance (prediabetes) is detected in a pregnant woman. In other words, gestational diabetes is not diabetes every time, but in such cases, the level of glucose in the blood (or rate of "sugar in the blood) is above normal. (DeRubeis and Crits 1998, 52)


Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common complications and most formidable of diabetes mellitus, which fears the move towards renal failure chronic. It concerns both the type 1 diabetes and type 2, but the evolution of the disease is significantly different in these two cases.

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