Diabete Mellitus Type 2

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Case study about a patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Preparing a case study about a patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2


This essay is mainly focusing on case study of a patient that I have nursed during my placement in the hospital. First of all, in order to comply with confidentiality and privacy; the name of the patient and age will not be mentioned anywhere in this essay as well as information related to hospital and wards, names, and all other personal information, disclosure of which would lead to breach of code of professional conduct (NMC 2008).

Furthermore, the rationale for my choice is that the patient's condition was a very interesting learning opportunity for me to understand about diabetes mellitus type 2. This case study is about nursing assessment of a patient actual needs, potential problems, care plan and evaluation of my patient's care. I shall aim to provide holistic care with assistance of my mentor. Care given will be supported with evidence based practice. Finally, I will end by a conclusion.

Patient's Condition

My patient is 48 year old white female who is married, lives with her husband. She has two grownup children and three grandchildren. There is no family history of diabetes. I will pretend to call my patient Carol who is unemployed and came in the ward with the pooled uncontrolled diabetic type 2 and implementation for insulin. In addition, she also reported having a fever and feeling generally unwell with extreme unexplained fatigue. Her observation was pyrexia at 38.8 degrees Celsius and she was tachycardia at 110 BPM and random blood glucose was 19.8mmol/L; she weighed 69kg and she is allergic to penicillin.

She lives in the 6 floor flat. She is close to her children who come to visit her every now and then; she is Christian and a British citizen.

Ms Carol was noted to have a number of episodes of hypoglycaemia on the ward, as a result her insulin was reduced from insulator 44 U ON and novo rapid 18 U TDS.

She was also noted to have some episode of nausea that was treated on a PRN regimen of cyclizine. In 2005, Ms Carol was suffering from cellulites infection, after treatment the cellulites improved and the demarcation of the area of erythematic receded.

She had poor mobility; poor diet and these factors were physically and psychologically affecting her condition of living in the ward.

Rationale of My Choice

I chose Ms. Carol because of my involvement in her nursing care under supervision of my mentor (NMC 2008). I had been working with my mentor to deliver care for Ms Carol in using the nursing process, which is a framework that provides nurses with a tool to deliver holistic care. Moreover, nurse in charge and the patient were informed that I was collecting information like: personal details, social, medical history and care plan needed for my case study by maintaining privacy and confidentiality refer to (NMC 2008). I also contributed to the multidisciplinary meeting as appropriate and shared ...
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