Deviation In Society

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Deviation in Society

Deviation in Society


The deviation is a fundamental issue in sociology and from the birth of this discipline has been one of their main concerns. In this sense the main sociological trends have given their interpretation of how and why the breach of social norms. The deviation has been analyzed from different disciplines such as philosophy, the right, the biology or medicine. Moreover, in recent years there have been studies in criminology, a discipline with which the sociology of deviance is closely linked. While the first focuses more on the relationship between the victim , the offender and the law , sociology of deviance also analyzes the behavior which, although not prescribed as offenses are classified as abnormal and receive some kind of social sanction (Zen, 2011).


If the deviation is not controlled in time, it can be destructive to an organization or social institution in three ways: It can affect operation of a major activity, can destroy the will of people to play his part, and may result in loss of confidence in institutions, rules and others.

For example, in Puerto Rico's constitution governs the way the police can interfere with a citizen. As a general rule, you need a warrant issued by a judge and based on a determination of probable cause. A warrantless arrest is illegal, except in certain circumstances specified by the Supreme Court, so if the agent fails it affects the functioning of the entire Criminal Justice System, the offender is mockery of justice, goes unpunished and the victim loses confidence in the laws and regulations, which impact on society in general.

The deviation is not always destructive to society. One can make positive contributions to the success and vitality of social systems. The rules or laws come from the experience and wisdom of community life. But ...
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