Developmental Psychology

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Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology


Psychology is the discipline that studies mental processes, including internal cognitive processes of individuals and social-cognitive processes. The discipline embraces all the complex aspects of human psychic functioning. The different schools, theories and psychological systems have focused their efforts in various areas, existing from approaches that focus exclusively on observable behavior. The scope of the theories covered areas or fields from the study of child development psychology to how humans feel, perceive or think, how they learn to adapt to their environment and resolve conflicts. However, many experts tend to decipher the notions of developmental psychology as a branch of psychology that studies the psychological and behavioral changes of individuals.

During the period the thoughts extended from conception to death, and in all environments, trying to describe and explain them in relation to the subject itself and in relation to the differences between them in order to get to predict the behavior and, as would the theoretical life cycle, "optimize the development” (Cole,2008). However, in the context of the paper we intend to shed light on the theory of Nature v/s Nurture. As this theory tends to hold a significant place in the context of the developmental psychology. Although the light will be thrown from different perspectives in order to develop an effective and efficient understanding of the subject.


Before mobbing further in the context of the paper the fact needs to be kept in sight that development is the set of transformations that affect living organisms over time. In the context of the development psychology, development refers to two types of entities which tend to be theoretical in nature:

Developmental stages: the stages undergone by an organism over time, from an initial state to a final state, for example from the newborn to the adult ;

Mechanisms that ensure the transition from one stage to another.\

In the context of the paper it would be safe to state that developmental psychology focuses on the psychological changes that occur from birth until death, for example studying the acquisition of language or how the child learns to count. Nevertheless, a medical standpoint, we have identified many factors related to the prenatal environment of the embryo that can influence the psychology of the individual in the making. For example, the consumption of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy may induce a fetal alcohol syndrome, which results in various malformations and cognitive deficits in the unborn child. The scientific interest in the psychology of the newborn is fairly new and has made ??much progress through the development of new experimental methodologies such as measuring the time of inspection or the rate of suction (Buss, (2011). Developmental psychology is now renewed by the approach neuropsychology and neurology in general, which has for example demonstrated the neuronal plasticity which, for some, continues to be at work throughout life.

Nature v/s Nurture

The debate on nature vs. nurture is one of the oldest in the history of psychology. This issue talks about the difference in the person's nature that is the characteristics with which the person ...
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