Developmental Ethics In Individual Decision Making

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Developmental Ethics in Individual Decision Making


The crumbling of the financial industry in the case of American economy represents a huge ethical dilemma as a huge number of organizations were affected as regards the ethical considerations. They were not able to withstand the implications and consequences arising out of such an ethical dilemma and thus it took them a great number of years to successfully stage a comeback. The massive emergence of economic crisis, lack of ethics in business performance as well as the downturn of the financial industry has contributed huge ethical dilemmas for the influence of mortgage downturn.

These factors have been known to play a huge role in the mortgage downturn and thus needs to be assessed in a comprehensive manner. As a result, organizations today are required to attend to the ethical perspective within the professional circles as the business performance and prospects can be significantly damaged with the onset of ethical dilemmas. The purpose of this paper is to assess the role of developmental facet of individual ethics as well as discussing the importance of ethics as a whole and the intricacies involved in the ethical systems (Qingde, 2007).


There is a huge likelihood that ethical decisions rely a great deal on the easy accessibility of morally feasible decisions and actions which have the potential to ensure the application and implementation of ethical decisions. Such decisions have the potential to significantly increase the level of utility which can be acquired by all parties privy to the ethical decision.

The stakeholders involved in the context of organizations must be taken into account and their needs should be addressed while ascertaining the proportion of morality to be used in ethical decisions. Unethical decisions can significantly shake the trust of the stakeholders and thus can damage the cordial relationship between the stakeholders and the concerned organization. The designing of personal ethics depends a great deal on the utility model that has a huge role to play in the causing of moral ethical decisions. However, it has been noted that it does not in corporate other elements such as justice and quality which the society embraces in a large quantity (Foster, & Black, 2007).

Ethical Systems

The personal ethics characteristics can be ascertained from the utilitarian model as well as the principles that the society is known to practice in a comprehensive manner. Ethical systems are highly significant in shaping and influencing the implementation of ethical and moral decisions and thus many organizations are quite keen to adopt the intricacies of these ethical systems as a means to ensure that the ethical decisions are taken in due abundance. Ethical systems can be recognized from their dual nature. Each type of ethical system is known to either follow an oriented type of system or rely on the virtue based application. The efficiency of ethical systems is gauged from the analysis of the respective nature of ethical systems and thus goes a long way in ensuring that the ethical systems deliver the ...
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