Developmental Change & Dimensions Of Well-Being

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Developmental Change & Dimensions of well-being

Developmental Change & Dimensions of well-being


In the previous decades, there have been some great improvements in the welfare of human beings by the world. Since the year 1970, the life expectancy of human beings has been increased by 9 years while the literacy rate on average has been increased by 20 more points with an increased in per capita income by U.S. 3,800 dollars. This research paper uses an exclusive 5 years data sets of the Index of Human Development for 111 countries in from 1970-2005 while the HDI was introduced in the year 1990 for measuring some prominent changes for leading a long and healthy life, obtaining knowledge regarding that, and spending a decent but fully standardized living styles (Kumar & Fukuda- Parr, 2003).


It is conceived from this research paper that are detailed measure of human being is an alternative to the economic development and growth which is famous in the literature of development (ul Haq, 2005). There are many impacts of it but in spite of these influences, the Index has attracted a large amount of criticism due to its imperial and analytical underpinnings (Stewart & Samman 2005). Mostly people focused on the analysis of the less known story about how changes take place in human development and how this has been produced current levels of human development achievements.

Self Acceptance

Self acceptance is referred to as an acceptance or affirmation of oneself despite of deficiencies or weaknesses. However, this terminology has been often comprehended in a usual sense as many researchers have defined it in terms of negativity and positivity and self concepts. Self acceptance is an individual's happiness or satisfaction with himself and is taken as a necessary for maintaining good mental health (Shepard, 1979). Self acceptance usually involves a ...
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