This paper is termed as developmental autobiography. It focuses on the Babies Documentary, released in 2010 and directed by Thomas Balmès. The movie revolves around 4 infants and their growth and development in their first years of life. These infants belong to different place in the world; Tokyo, San Francisco, Namibia and Mongolia. The director chose families of different income level to show that despite children belong to entirely different cultures and income level still their development and behavior is quite same (Schumann, 2010).
Further, to demonstrate the growth and development in detail, this paper explores my development since childhood till present. Childhood is the life time from the time of birth to the adolescence. It is the most beautiful time of life. The life is tension-less there are no worries and all one have to do is enjoy his life (Jenks, 2005).
Needless to say, the four children in documentary experienced their 1st year of life entirely different from each other due cultural differences yet the outstanding part is that universally each infant in his way tries to explore the physical environment. The babies cry, they laugh, they get annoyed, they play, they poop and they lie around the people surrounding them in loving tenderness.
There was a scene when Maire, an infant being raised in San Francisco, grabs her father's a cell phone and tries to imitate him by putting it on her ear and tries to talk (, 2010). Here, in this age children are exploring each and everything and they notice the behavior of their adults around them. Since the infants from Namibia and Mongolia are technology deprived and their parents are illiterate, so they may not learn things that other infants may learn in Tokyo and San Francisco.
With respect to stimulation from parents and family, I must say that all babies speak and act like their mother, they smile and are in physical contact with them constantly, which is supposed to be crucial for the development of certain cognitive processes, for example language. It clearly shows the beginning with respect to patterns of communication and dialogue.
As the months pass, there are certain peculiarities, such as: California baby, his mother not only speaks, but also reads stories, makes the sound of animals, teaches colors, etc.. Namibia's baby, living in a tribe, not only receives stimulation from her mother, but also other members of the tribe, and other ...