Development Plan

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Development Plan and Self Reflective Analysis

Development Plan and Self Reflective Analysis

Tools of Time Management Analysis

Time management is defined as the management of the time efficiently so that the correct and proper time is distributed to the right task. Time Management plays a very significant role not only in corporations or businesses but also in our lives of people. The effective time management must be organized, focused, and be on time. There are number of tools which can be appropriately used to conduct the analysis of time management to identify the improvement areas (Blandford & Green 2001, pp. 2-10). These tools are;

Planning Of Task Effectively

Effective planning includes the planning of the task in advance individual have to prepare the task plan, and note down the significant tasks that are required to be done against the possible time that should be assigned to every task. The important activities should come on the top of the task plan or To Do List (Blandford & Green 2001, pp. 2-27).

Goals and Objectives Setting

The individuals have to set the goals and objectives which they wants to achieve in the near future. Through this they can improve their performance where improvement will be required (Blandford & Green 2001, pp. 2-27).

The Setting to Meet the Deadlines

The individual have to set the deadline for the completion of each activity and also learn to take ownership of work. Set the mind about how much time needs to accomplish one activity (Blandford & Green 2001, pp. 2-27).

Delegation of Accountabilities

The individuals must be able to say NO. Because some people who have not enough about something takes more time on one particular activity as compare to others (Blandford & Green 2001, pp. 2-27).

Prioritizing Activities As Indicated By Their Significance

The prioritizing of the activities is the important tool of the time management. The prioritization of activities depends on urgency. Therefore, it is important to know the clear difference among significant or urgent activities (Blandford & Green 2001, pp. 2-27).

Right Time for the Right Activity

The individuals have to spend the right and true time on the right activity. The wasting of time on doing something less important whole day is not the signal of intelligence (Blandford & Green 2001, pp. 2-27).

Suggestions for Filling Identifies Skills Gaps

Skill gaps are defined as the lack in the skill of an individual. Therefore, a skill gap analysis will help to fill the gaps of the individuals. This analysis is an assessment tool for shaping the need of training. There are different suggestions for filling the skill gaps which are identified by individual or organization. The skills gaps can be fill by proper training, workshops on different areas (Mota n.d.,pp. 1-12).

Personal Development Plan against Smart Objectives

Smart Objective

The SMART objectives are more likely to be successful because they are 'specific', 'measurable', 'achievable', 'realistic', and 'time scaled'. My academic, personal and professional SMART objectives are given below;

Academic Smart Objective


I want to complete my advertising course by the end of 2013.


I will attend three classes of 3 hours each week ...
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