Development Of Skills Set

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Development of Skills set

Development of Skills set

Task 1


At the moment I am working at Tesco as Customer Assistant. The job requires me to have exceptional communicational skills, ability to work in teams, build positive relationships with colleagues and customers alike, and win their confidence by developing trust and being reliable and dependable. In the following sections I will elaborate how I was able to develop mentioned tasks into my job practice.


Effective communications means one's ability to clearly get ones message across to a variety of people so that everyone can understand it. The job description requires me to listen very carefully to the concerns of the customers and reply them in accordance with their expectations. Tesco allow me to further improve my communicational skills by regularly conducting training programs regarding effective communication that allows me to understand the importance of communications and how it will help me improve my communication skills with my customers (Lockwood, 2007).

Team Work

Teamwork is about working together in a team for a common goal. Each person within the team has a role to carry out to ensure the task is completed successfully. At Tesco, I believe in team work and work along with my colleagues to resolve customer issues. I was able to develop team work skill by observing my colleagues who were already working in teams and were able to perform in a more effective and efficient manner. The inspiration I attained from my colleagues persuaded me to follow their footsteps and work in a team to increase my own work proficiency.

Teamwork taught me to depend on my team members in order to attain mutually created objectives. It also makes us realize that customer service is not a sole effort but a team work and everyone in the group provide his or her own share to achieve mutably agreed goals. Working in a team helps me connect with other employees and develops and nurture relationships which not only benefit us but also benefit the entire organization including its customer base.


In my opinion, the one thing which the customer wants from customer services at Tesco is. It means being able to make sure people know you will do the job and do it well. These customers want us to keep our promises and never say anything to them which we know beforehand is not possible to achieve. Tesco takes the dependability part more seriously than any other organization. At Tesco, I was able to learn the importance of Dependability through the company initiated training programs which always taught win trust of the customers and build such relationships that the latter will perceive us more dependable in terms of resolving their issues. (Lockwood, 2007).


Reliability means taking great care and perseverance to get a task done. For instance, in Tesco, whenever customers or my managers assign me a particular task, I keep in mind that it is my own responsibility to handle such task to ...
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