Development Of Pigments

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Development of Pigments

Development of Pigmetns


The early renaissance is a period related to the euriopean painting and sculpturing which was the result of cultural and artistic tradition of Europe which was continued from a very long time. the Europe witnessed four decade of stagnation in terms of its art and painting after the collapse of Rome. There was no development or work done during that period also knows as the dark age. No work in relation to the development of color techniques or painting was done. The only work in relation to art and painting continue in Ireland, Iona and Northern England and Asia Minor. The work that was continued in these parts of the word was related to the illuminations of chirstain monasteries while in Asia it was the development of Byzantine Art related to the decorative paintings and art skills. This was related to the development and enhancement of art and color initiated by the Roman and the Greek. This Resaissance period was the stare of the new era and development of color technology which remained static and stangnant during the dark ages (Encyclopedia of Art).

The basic meaning of the word renaissance is “rebirth” and it related to many drastic changes and transformation that took place in Europe in terms of culture, art and scientific discoveries. This era was a new beginning as it changed the way of thinking and gave rise to modernized ways of thinking through the evolution and discoveries made in the field of art and science. This gave birth to totally different way of thinking and society (Art Apprentice Online, 2007) .

The renaissance era marked the revival and development of painting and every segment of society. This movement started from Italy and extended towards the Northern Europe. It started as a Gothic movement but soon transformed and dominated by the effects of Resaissance era. This movement started and was divided in two stages in terms of geographical significance. At the first stage it was initiated in Italy in the early 1300 but soon spread to the northern areas. The first phase was known as Italian Resnaissance and the second phase which took palce in the Nethterlands is known as Northern Renaissance (Art Apprentice Online, 2007).


Italian Renaissance

This period started in early 1300 and continued till 1600. The educated and learned people of that time took a decision and serious steps to condemn the corrupt practises and control of the church. According to them the middle ages and the corrupt rule and religious beliefs have robbed them of the great culture and legacy of art and science. They referred back to the times of Roman and Greek in order to study their tradition and culture of arts to revive their own society. The time of Roman and Greek was known as the Golden Age and they wanted to discovers the secret to the revival of their stagnant culture and society. These people started a movement and parted themselves from the powerful and conservative influence of ...
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