Developing the Statistical joint Modelling: 3-state model with frailties
Breast Cancer
Duration of the disease is the key factor with all major health problems. Precise knowledge of survival is useful for the family and the practitioner who have to decide how to manage the patient. Models are presented for contemplating moves in the three state transform in which the peril capacities of the moves are subject to an underlying set of danger variables and additionally irregular understanding impacts which are termed the fragility of the patients. Techniques for evaluating the risk capacities and the slightness appropriations are presented for diverse fragility shows in which the feebleness for one sort of move is possibly the same concerning an alternate.
Malignancy shows the vicinity of anomalous that duplicate uncontrollably. On account of breast growth, units can stay in the bosom or spread all through the form by means of the blood or lymphatic vessels. Most of the time, the breast cancer takes several months and even years for the progression. Breast cancer is the cancer that is most diagnosed cancer in women worldwide, both before and after the menopause. One woman in 9 women is expected to develop breast cancer during her lifetime, and 1 woman in 27 will die.
Primary aim 1: To develop the 3-State disease models
The modelling of transition times between states when patients may be classified as belonging to one of several states is an extension of the usual survival problem where only two states, alive or failed, are considered. Semi-Markov models for such histories of patients were suggested by Weiss and Zelen (1965), applied to coronary patients by Kao (1972), to the carcinogenic process by Kodell and Nelson (1980) and further researched by Lagakos, Sommer and Zelen (1978). In such semi-Markov models successive transition times are considered to be independent with the hazard of transition between any two states dependent on each of those states. The use of the proportional hazards model for hazards of transition enables Cox (1972) partial likelihood procedures to be implemented to estimate the effect on such hazard functions of sets of risk variables which are considered to affect the hazard of transition. Multi-state models in survival analysis have also been studied by Clayton (1988), Anderson (1994), Kalbfleisch and Lawless (1988) and Lindsey and Ryan (1993).
The current work is concerned with the three state model in which the hazard functions for transitions between any two states are dependent, not only on the vector of known risk variables, but also on the random person component representing the accumulation of effects on hazard of transition which have not been measured or are difficult to quantify. Such the random is usually termed the frailty of the patient and is included in the models for hazard as the random component. For different transitions these frailties may be different but possibly correlated. The incorporation of dependence among transitions for the same patient using random frailty components is the new development in this work. Figure 1: three state model
Application 1: Impact of recurrent sexually Transmitted Infections on HIV seroconversion: