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Developing Professional Practice and Using Information in HR

Developing Professional Practice and Using Information in HR

A Report Davidson's Case

Key Social Trends

Social trends of UK caused recruiting and retaining difficulties at Davidson. Over the last past 40 years, a change in the gender composition of the UK labour force with the increase of women in the workforce. In employment relations, there has been a gender revolution in United Kingdom during 1971-2008 (Creaney & Point, 2009, pp.25-106). The economic inactivity and the gender differences have drastically influenced trends in men's and women's rates of employment. Employment rates of women have increased while trends of male have been in the opposite direction.

Another vital social trend of UK was the rise of the sexual revolution and transformation in reproductive technologies broadened choices of women from domestic roles. Women increased participation in higher education and increased the proportion of graduates. As a result, women have raised their presence in labour force and in managerial and professional role. Whether for instrumental or intrinsic reasons these shifts were facilitated by the institutionalisation, which enhanced provision of equal pay legislation.

Likewise, the position of women as regards to the market has changed in a drastic manner during 20th Century, 70% of UK workforce is comprised of men, and their dominance steadily declined after the Second World War, with boosted the women participation in UK workforce. Such demands of the economy are arbitrated by the complexity of work-life balance which in the UK is typified by the dearth of sufficient state provided childcare. Consequently, several women are found in part-time jobs. Since 2002, women were employed in part-time job with 43% in comparison to men who has only share of 9%. Around 82% of part-time workers were women (

Moreover, political reforms may not be isolated as fundamental factors that close the gaps of gender in achievement and access of education, even though, legislation of anti-discrimination signifies a vital change in climate. The restructuring of educational credentials towards women is neither complete nor uniform. The continued boost in women certified must have declined sex segregation in UK labour force. Still, opportunities for female have expanded drastically and the rapid change has accelerated, there are still significant inequalities with the labour market. There is also an increasing convergence between men and women participation in paid jobs.

Social Trends Impact on Employment Issues

The UK social trends of educational opportunity, rise of the sexual revolution and dual role of women has a significant impact on employment issues. For instance, dual role of women forced them to work as part-time worker that to some extent restrict Davidson to hire women in the lower hierarchy in their workforce. Thus, HR managers must be looking for the diverse workforce. Discrimination comes in a broad range of forms. It is not merely regarding issues like ethnicity, sexual and gender orientation; however, may also be about prejudice on the grounds of sector. Since, it is evident that it is too often persisted to manifest the bias ...
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