Developing Partnership

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Partnership between Service Users and Mental Health Workers

Partnership between Service Users and Mental Health Workers


Partnership between the service users, also known as social workers and mental health workers should be developed in order to make sure that the patients suffering from mental illnesses. Service users are the ones who once suffered from mental illnesses and after getting cured, they want to help the people already suffering from mental illnesses. For doing so, partnership should be developed between the two parties. This paper will present ways as to how the partnership can be developed between the two.



Planning is the main step towards developing a partnership. This planning involves how to train people to make sure that they perform in the best manner and how they should make sure that the people are cured in the best possible manner. This planning is done after the assessment of the situation. Planning is done in such a way that the patients benefit the most (Youniss & Yates, 1997, pp. 50).

The service users were informed of the decision so that they could make up their mind and could work towards it. planning includes the training programs and the other ways to train the people to assist the people suffering from mental illnesses. Intervention

Methods of interventions helped in planning, and creating strategic partnerships for the purpose of well being. This is how planning takes place. There are a number of methods of intervention that help in planning. Some of the most popular methods of intervention are Open Space Technology, Future Search, Search Conferences, etc. Intervention helps a lot in planning for the service users. It facilitates in taking the right decision (Emmer, 2002, pp. 8). This is the most effective way of planning and helps in making sure that the people get the right treatment.

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