Developing Mentoring Skills For The Workplace (3dms)

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Developing Mentoring Skills for the Workplace (3DMS)

Developing Mentoring Skills for the Workplace (3DMS)


Mentoring projects of AFCEA help experts develop improve and study new abilities under the heading and exhortation of an expert. Associations mentoring projects are implemented to arrange the objectives of the organization with the expert advancement of its representatives. Drilling and coaching gives profits for the "mentee," the guide and the association.


Purpose of Mentoring for Mentee

Enhancing interpersonal skills

The Mentees develop the skills which helps them to be productive on the job. The interpersonal skills are developed according to the individual career needs on just in time basis. Having such skills the mentee can translate the theoretical skills into practical skills and apply the knowledge on projects.

More strategic career planning

Mentoring motivates the mentee to engage oneself on the top level of employees. The mentoring motivates and engages mentee in an indispensable part of workforce planning and develops the career according to the working strategies. It builds the pipeline for sustainable development.

Purposes of Mentoring for Mentor

Leadership Development

The mentor develops the skill for leadership through valuable mentoring partnership. They develop competencies to work in team and develop skills that add value to the mentee and the organization.

Enhanced self-esteem through recognition of professional abilities

The mentor's develop elements of self esteem when they plan and develop strategies to strive for a goal. The mentoring program is effective when the individuals and employees move together in the organization and attract those who are best fit for the organization.

Relationship of Mentor and Mentee

Retention and development of talented staff

The relationship is beneficial for the organization as it promotes the talent within the organization. The mentors train the mentee in a way to mention the retention rate of the organization. This relationship is long term and benefits them to stay connected with the organization.

Cost effective

The relationship is cost effective as both the mentor and mentee are within the organization and thus it reduces the cost of off the job training of the employees. The cost can be in the form of the cost of course as well as the time which can be utilized to benefit the organization.

Advancement of staff

The advancement of staff increases the utilization of the staff within the organization. Thus they can be more productive and can develop shared skills through this relationship.

Models of Mentoring

One-on-one Mentoring

The one-on-one model of mentoring is individualized and particular. This is eminent for improving a nearby relationship. On the other hand, the model offers stand out perspective and may not help if the tutor is not generally versed in the greater part of the mentee's ranges of investment.

Group Mentoring

It involves the relationship of the dynamic mentee with the senior mentor. The mentor plays a leader role for the group of individuals for a particular period of time. It involves mentoring activities and exercises which involves personal interaction and time sharing in the team and mentor.


It connects one mentor with one mentee. The communication is done through the internet with very ...