Developing Goals Of Care And Nursing Intervention For Children And Their Families

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Developing Goals of Care and Nursing Intervention for Children and their Families

Developing Goals of Care and Nursing Intervention for Children and their Families

In the current scenario, nurses possess the capacity to advocate their patients concerning various aspects. Nurses have the ability to guide patients in making decisions for improvement of health (Ommen et al, 2009). In the given case of Tamara, nurse assesses, and develops the better care plane. Tamara is not physically sick, but her eating behaviour may lead her to anorexia nervosa. A condition in which a person obsesses concerning his weight and meal he takes. It is an eating disorder and is usually affecting the women of age 15-25. Females in this case start to reduce weight either by excessive exercise or starving themselves (Sim et al, 2009). Tamara is active as she has habits of playing basketball, softball, and youth activities at church. Her weight is 125 pounds and height are 65 inches. Her body mass index calculated is 20.8, which is good. She likes to participate in sports and has been playing since her school days. Now, she often skips meal due to the concern of gaining weight. Moreover, her family has concerns regarding eating behaviour of Tamara. She also does not have risk of obesity as her genogram represents no sign of obesity in her family.

Nurses can satisfy the mother of Tamara, as well as counsel Tamara regarding her eating behaviour. Nurses are providing the quality care to the population. They are the healthcare professionals who can see the big picture than other health care providers. Physiotherapists only focus on the social and emotional dimensions of individuals. The prime job of physicians is to consider the physical aspects. On the other hand, nurses hold the responsibilities to concentrate on spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional and physical dimensions of individuals. Nurses via following the appropriate route, examine the condition. Then, they set goals and plan an appropriate framework to provide the effective, safe and quality care. Nurses are at the unique position in the healthcare system via means of diversity of practice, numbers and education. They can contribute best for health improvement of adolescents (Keeney, Cassata and McElmurry, 2004). The problem of anorexia nervosa is frequent in adolescence group. Usually a young adults and teenagers start to plan exercise and diet for reduction of weight. They do so upon slightly overweight or even at normal body weight. When they lose a little weight and get appreciation for this act. They get encouragement and become unable to cease this behaviour until attain the desired body weight (Nilsson et al, 2007).

Tamara belongs to the population of adolescents. This is the phase of life which involves many physical and hormonal transitions in the body. These developments may lead to different psychological and psychosocial issues (Sim et al, 2009). At this stage, individuals require the proper guidance in order to maintain the healthy status. Nurse can play the best role via deciding the goals and associated ...