Developing Children's Social Skills

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Developing Children's Social Skills

Developing Children's Social Skills

Designing Developmentally Appropriate Space for Developing Toddlers' Social Skills

The arrangement, decoration and design of the classroom for the toddlers are very important. The learning and development of the toddlers is strongly affected by the design of the room, lightening, room arrangement, interior, colors, furniture and flooring, as well as the size of the room. The indoor and outdoor arrangement also assists in achieving and supporting the learning objectives and goals of the toddlers. The design for a toddlers' classroom includes various spaces for reading, writing, and art activities and for playing. One other most significant thing which should be kept in mind before designing a classroom for the toddlers includes disable students. It is a very important and crucial thing to consider before designing the classroom for the toddlers so that the disable students can easily move about and there is no problem in their proper development (White et al, 2005). The design of the classroom must be such that it promotes empathy, temperament, problem solving skills, self-advocacy, as well as emotional regulation and impulse control. The layout and the design of the classroom for the toddlers has been designed in such a way that the toddlers will learn how to share and how to patiently wait for their turn.

Developmentally Appropriate Space for Toddlers

A room of the toddler must be designed in a way that encourages and supports independence all the while strengthening the toddler's social skills. All the equipments and materials must be placed in appropriate places from where they can be easily accessible when required. All the materials and equipments must be child friendly and must be placed in their designated areas along with concrete guidance cues for example reading area, play area, art centre etc. the equipments which the toddlers need ...
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