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Personal Development Plan

Table of Contents


Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory1

Herzberg's two factor theory2

Kolb's Learning Cycle3

Cameron's 5 stages of development4

Tools for self marketing5



Personal Development Plan


Every human on the face of this earth has needs and wants for which he works day in and day out. He has some dreams for the accomplishment of which he works hard and plans his career and life. The personal development plan reflects my goals in life and how I plan to go about achieving them. Life is a struggle and the pursuit of happiness is the easiest for the one who plans and implements the plan successfully. I will discuss my strengths and weaknesses and analyze my goals using different theories.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

According to Maslow, what motivates a person is the need. There are five stages of need and it is indeed true that to move from one level of hierarchy to the other, the needs pertaining to the lower level have to be satisfied (Idea 2008, p. 24). For instance, I would have been sitting here writing this personal development plan for my career had I not had the education I possess today. My basic human needs are well met and it is only because of this reason that I am well equipped to move to the next level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Being a business student, I want to take up a career in the business filed and start off my career by seeking employment in some reputable company. I believe my passion for my career is the consequence of the fact that my physiological, security and social needs have been met. It is part of my esteem needs where I need to figure out what is my worth. It is this passion to achieve something that makes a person study and move from one layer in the Maslow's hierarchy to another.

Herzberg's two factor theory

According to Herzberg's two factor theory, there are two factors that determine whether an employee is motivated and satisfied with the job or demotivated and dissatisfied. These two factors are Hygiene and Motivation (Herzberg 1979, p. 61). Hygiene and Motivation are the two names given to a set of circumstances that affect the employee's feelings towards his job as well as his performance. For instance, the reason I want to start off my career with a good firm is because I will have better chances of growth there, a better compensation package, a fair reward system and the recognition of being associated with a good firm. In this context, it is important to state that different people have different needs and it is the expectations of an employee from his job that plays a pivotal role in determining the level of motivation and hygiene for him. This is something subjective in that two employees working under the same conditions of hygiene and motivation can have very different views about their job and hence, very different levels of job satisfaction and ...
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