Developing An Evidence-Based Client Education Strategy

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Developing an Evidence-Based Client Education Strategy

Developing an Evidence-Based Client Education Strategy


The health care system is subjected to continuous development and rapid advancements. The dynamic diversity in different health care processes, the introduction of latest technologies, innovation and evaluation of health care regimens, introduction of newer medicinal agents and adoption of advance care and support methodologies, all of these processes needs up-to-date education and training of the health care professional. With this modernizing era, the utilization of evidence based practice has become a necessity in the field of medicine. The evidence based practice refers to a practice that has been pre-studied and is incorporated in taking the safe and effective clinical decisions (Messeear, Tanner, 2013).

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that mostly affects the small joint in the human body (NICE, 2009). This disorder results in inflammation of the joints, especially of the hands and feet. As it is an autoimmune disorder, anyone can be the target of this disorder. However, some patients are at increased risk than others. It is crucial that these patients should be educated in order to secure them from this condition. For this purpose, an evidence-based client education strategy is developed and followed. It is considered necessary that rationale, to incorporate a multidisciplinary team approach, towards the treatmenmt and management of rheumatoid arthritis should be considered (Horton, 2011).


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder that affects the small joint of the human body (Mayo clinic, 2013).in Rheumatoid arthritis the immune system starts attacking its own cells. In this process, the synovium, which is a lining that covers the joints of the body, is also attacked. This results in inflammation of joint, followed by severe systemic pain. The condition is known as symmetric polyarthritis (synovitis), which is persistent. The disease might also involve the extra particular organs like lungs, heart, skin or eyes. Rheumatoid arthritis is not caused by any external pathogen; instead it is the autoimmune defect. This is perhaps the reason that the condition can not be entirely cured (Temprano, Diamond, 2013). There is pharmacologic and non pharmacologic treatment therapies present to reduce e the pathogen city of the disease and improve the quality of life.

Pathophysiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis is still not known fully, however there are certain factors that might contribute to elicit the disease (shristiansen. Nielsen, 2006). The inflammation of the joints is a hallmark of swelling and bony erosions indicates that inflammation is severe. Rheumatoid arthritis is a genetic disorder, but the environmental factors contribute to an increased susceptibility. As the evidence suggests, self protein citrullination and post-transcriptional regulation are two evident processes that occur with the early progression of the disease (Gibofsky, 2012).

Joint affected by rheumatoid arthritis <>

External factors are responsible for triggering the disorder in a healthy individual, especially those who are at high risk. The high risk individuals include those who have a family history of the genetic disease and women. These external factors include smoking cigarette, different infections and trauma ...