Developing An Education Assessment Plan

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Developing an Education Assessment Plan

Developing an Education Assessment Plan

Goals and Objectives

In the educational institutions, Goals & objectives of assessment plan are to describe the expected results and intended purposes which are the outcomes of teaching activities and overall institutional policy. This is brief, specific and implantable only to Education Department of institution. In this assessment plan, following are the main Goals which department wants to achieve at the end of program.

Goals of Assessment Program

Every graduate should develop the methods of research in social science and its applications in the learning and teaching environment.

All the students who complete the degree major in Education must be able to recognize the importance of education in society with sociological, psychological and historical perspective.

The passing students must be able to practice professionally all the current developments while lecturing in all types of classes (Gronlund et al, 2004).

Objectives of Assessment Program

Every student must be able to recognize the basic concepts of research like qualitative, quantitative, retrospective, prospective, data collection techniques and data analysis.

It is also expected that students of this program identify all the basic social, educational and learning theories which are playing central role in understanding the world of teaching. In this regard the most famous theories are the constructivism, behaviorism, brain-based learning theory, control theory of motivation, observational theory, social cognition learning theory, and early child learning theories.

Students must have the appropriate skills which make him able evaluate the importance of education in the family, society, career development, individual life and overall as a in the life of a civilized human being.

He must be able to determine and analyze the role of education before, during and after the war of independence and what kind of role it played in the shaping the American literature, culture, society and civilization as a whole.

At the end of degree program, students demonstrate the mastery over academic environment and its relevant components like the assessment system, teaching methodology, evaluating I.Q level of students etc. (Suskie, 2009). 

Stakeholders of Assessment Plan

Stakeholders of education assessment plan are individual and entities which are directly and indirectly associated with it. This analysis helps in the identification and evaluation of interests which policy makers consider at each step of decision-making. After analyzing the objectives of Education Departments, following stakeholders are considered to be important;

Department Students

In the assessment plan, students always occupy the central position because they are assessed through different activities. In addition, teachers are extensively interacting with them in the class and also they are given assignments in different forms to demonstrate their skills and academic knowledge. For them, guest speakers and many other programs are arranged which groom their skills as they become such a product which institution have promised in it's the goals and objective.


In academic assessment, like students, teachers are also the direct stakeholders. They are made responsible for student learning e.g. cognitive, affective and behavioral. In cognitive, they assure the students knowledge at particular stage. In affective learning, teachers are developing the critical, analytical ...
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