Developed Countries Have A Moral Obligation To Accept More Immigrants, Asylum Seekers And Refugees.

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Developed countries have a moral obligation to accept more immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

Thesis Statement:

Developed countries have a moral obligation to accept more immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

United Nations has segregated the countries in three broad categories, Under-Developed, Developing, and Developed. The law and order situation are not as good in the developing and underdeveloped nations as compared to the developed nations. Bribery to authorities and frequent clashes among groups within the country are considered normal. However, their problems do not end here. One of the chief reasons why these countries have fallen behind the developed nations is the fact that they often are involved in wars and conflicts with their neighboring countries. These wars often leave many homeless and people often seek refuge in outside countries. The reason for immigrants to leave their country is perhaps a dream of higher living standard and for asylum seekers is to seek a place to live in peace with others, while having the freedom of speech. The developed nations, on humanitarian and moral basis, have an obligation to provide these people a better chance of living.

There are two conflicting views in this regard. One point of view is that, countries have clearly defined boundaries, and the countries' citizens' and governments are responsible for the welfare of their respective nationals only. It will be chaotic to seek one country bearing the burden of the wrong doing of other nations. The point is valid to an extent that, what will happen if the citizens of one nation go to another without restriction. The meaning of visa will be abolished in this case. On the contrary, the view point is that, these developed nations have a larger influence on other under-developed and developing nations. Often the wars and abrupt situation arise because of these developed nations. Even if, they are not involved in creating such an environment, still they share the grief of their fellow human beings. Whole world is like a body if one organ hurts or not functions well whole body feels its pain. This view that, suffering in one region is of the concern of the developed nation as well, and not just a matter of that country officials.

There are a number of wars going on in the developing and underdeveloped nations, mostly as a result of power struggles. These wars cause instability and suffering in the region (Eckes, 2011). Women and children in most cases have no other options but to seek asylum abroad in some developed nation (Alibahi, 1997). The problem that hounds these asylum seekers is that, whether they will be allowed to live in that country or will they be treated as criminals. It is said that countries are not private property of one individual, and as a citizen of the world, we all have the responsibility to provide each other support in tough times. Every nation has faced difficulties in the past in one way or the other, what will happen if every nation takes the view ...
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