Develop Teams And Individuals

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Develop Teams and Individuals

[s]Develop Teams and Individuals


The following paper is based on performing different task that associated with the employees learning. The provided scenario highlighted the issue of communication that employees having communication problem that actually affecting the performance of different business units. Thus, the tasks are performed to cover different aspects that are mentioned below;

Task One

Task one is about developing a learning plan for employees based on the identification of the needs of individuals.

As the individuals already had specific knowledge about the business operations, the only problem is they are not cooperating with each other and thus not working effectively. Therefore, by providing them training about business and communication basics so that each individual work according to his or her role and understand the importance of effective communication. In the training session, the trainer will be focusing on empathy because the evidence showed that individuals facing problem in communication, therefore, empathy is a way that try to see things from point of view of others. As the organizational environment run on mutual contribution, therefore, encouraging employees to work on empathy will help them to understand emotions of others.

Thirdly, the trainer must encourage the individuals, in this session, management must call team leader Ann because she also reported of lacking interpersonal skills (Skills You Need, 2013). Therefore, in the session, the trainer must encourage her to adopt the attitude to make other people feel happy and welcome, values and appreciated. As Ann biggest weakness is that she does not know who to treat and deal with people. Therefore, she must learn to listen other people problem and using techniques of reflection and clarification to confirm what actually the individuals trying to say in order to avoid any communication gap.

Task Two

Task two is about developing ...
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