Develop And Update Hospitality Industry Knowledge

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Develop and Update Hospitality Industry Knowledge

Develop and Update Hospitality Industry Knowledge

Project 1

The hospitality industry is comprised of many sub service sectors that complete the main purpose of the industry. These services include hotel accommodations, eating in restaurants, occasions, amusement parks, infrastructure, airline, land routes, and cruise services. The industry overall worth a billion of dollars. The industry's growth is dependent on the average income of a person and the availability of leisure hours. The aspects as described above are all inter related and none cold function well without other. For instance, a hotel is preferable for stay by customers only when it offers good quality of food and accommodation at the same time and restaurants and cafes play a vital role in boosting the hospitality sector in any economy. The hospitality industry of Australia is already booming and has a huge potential for employment. Since, the hospitality industry is comprised of variety of sub sectors such as airlines, cruise lines, train, restaurants, cafes, hotel, etc therefore, Australia has been hiring and providing adequate training to students and professionals in the field of hospitality. There have been numerous positions in this field that are required to be filled in. As per recent statistics, there are about a million of labor and work force working in the field of tourism and hospitality management in Australia. The interconnection of other fields like hotels, amusement parks, natural beauty points etc are all part of tourism and hospitality industry overall. Therefore development of tourism industry boosts the profits of other related businesses as well (Blue Mountains, 2011).

Tourism and hospitality industry both are related to each other as tourism industry is composed of all those of sub sectors and services that are also present within tourism industry and both industry require each others' support and cooperation to work effectively. Sine tourism industry is comprised of service sector like eating out in restaurants and cafes, exploring beautiful locations, and natural beauty, visiting traditional entertainment and sports events. Etc. Tourists that visit these locations are more likely to stay in hotels, travel by airlines, require good infrastructure to make their visit complete. Therefore, one cannot deny the inter relation between these two industries (Oregon Business Plan, 2013).

There are many other industries like food, beverages, sports, entertainment, etc. that operate within tourism and hospitality industry. It won't be wrong saying that hospitality industry heavily relies upon these supportive industries because people. For instance, human life heavily relies upon food for energy and immunity while traveling around the world. Therefore, the suppliers of raw food, makers of raw food, and other related commercial industries have a significant role to play in satisfying the travelers, visitors, and tourists (Singh, 2010).

The hospitality industry in Australia operates 24 hours a day. All industries and businesses that operate within hospitality industry operate in all shifts ranging from morning till night. However, hospitality industry has its own norms in Australia, which are required to be learnt in order to perform effectively in bars, clubs, ...
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