Detrimental effect placed by lack of quality standards on construction projects in Zambia
Background of the Study4
Problem Statement6
Purpose of the Study8
Aim of the Study9
Research Questions9
Research Hypothesis9
Significance of the Study10
Structure of the Thesis10
The Constructing Industry of Zambia12
Economic perspective13
Why do we need standards?14
Zambian Bureau of standards - Construction15
The issue with local contractors15
Background of skills development in Zambia16
Building defects: possible solution for poor construction workmanship17
The need for training18
Research Design21
Research Method22
Data Analysis23
Literature Search23
Research Instrument24
Keywords Used25
Background of the Study
Infrastructure and the various forms of construction are the most essential and important part of any area, that defines the standard and significance of that place. Construction could thus be defined as a process of building and assembling of the infrastructure, which is far from being a simple and single handed process. It is essential to note that the process of construction requires a proper and well defined team, which has to be properly managed and supervised by concerned individuals. The process also needs to have proper planning and well defined quality standards, to make sure that the safety of involved individuals is ensured, combined with the maintenance of excellence of construction.
It is essential to note that the level of progress and development of a country is measured according to the number of professionals and experts produced by the same, and thus the country should have properly trained and highly qualified professionals in every field to make ensure economic as well as social progress at a reasonable rate (Thorpe and Summer, 2004). According to studies, construction industry holds special importance in the socio-economic development of the country, with the construction work ranging from the provision of infrastructure to the provision of support to other sectors and parts of the country. In addition, the same also accounts for the addition in Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Product, and thus holds immense importance in defining and overall economic situation and condition of the country.
The high level of importance and significance of the industry requires the concerned officials to make sure that the various quality standards related to the same are properly maintained and upheld, to make sure that the industry continues to thrive and remain within the safe boundaries. It is essential to note that the quality standards expand to include a number of dimensions, including the health and safety standards, designs and applications standards as well as the products and material standards, all of which have to be maintained at the same time to ensure production of proper and desired results in the field. There are a large number of factors associated with the development and growth of constructions industry, including the environmental factors, as well as the social and community design considerations, all of them have to be viewed at the same time to ensure proper growth and development of the concerned industry.
Like other industries and departments, the construction industry is also faced with a number of issues and problems, including the ...