Determinism, Compatibilism & Libertarianism

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Determinism, Compatibilism & Libertarianism

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Determinism, Compatibilism & Libertarianism


Philosophy is considered as a highly dynamic concept, as it deals with numerous different subjects. Throughout the history of mankind, the human beings have sought to understand the deeper meaning of life and their existence. This question has caused man to build societies, make laws and even take part in numerous wars. Philosophy is the subject and the conceptual entity, which seeks to answer this question regarding the purpose and meaning of the human life and existence. As different societies have different perspectives regarding the purpose of life and the meaning of the human existence, there also exist various different philosophical thoughts. The study of philosophy can be ideally defined as the human capacity to critically analyze his internal and external forces, and seek to develop a comprehensive understanding. This holistic understanding will allow the human beings to better understand themselves and the environment around them and help them attain enlightenment (Van Inwagen, 2008). Philosophy is a very crucial spiritual concept, which is required for human beings to experience personal growth. The factor which separates the human beings from the rest of the animals is their ability to think about their actions and develop an understanding for their own existence and the world around them. Hence philosophy can be defined as the study of the human condition itself, and the understanding of the meaning and purpose of life.


In the traditional perspective the philosophical concepts were generally considered as predominantly ineffective and non applicable notions, as societies were basically driven on the principle of short term planning rather than having a philosophical foundation. However considering the significance of ideology and philosophy in the context of the human society, the contemporary global world has seeked to practically incorporate this concept in various facets of their lives. In the organizational sector, companies have realized that they require a long term vision and ideology, in order to develop a sustainable business model. The business ideology is not based on the financial or short term business goals of the organization; rather they are emphasized on the philosophical outlook of the business entity. Philosophy is also incorporated in the global socio political arena where the constitutions of the various developed countries focus on the factors of patriotism, nationalism and also spiritual growth of the relevant citizens. Hence it can be stated that in the contemporary global society, the concept of philosophy considered as a crucial and necessary entity, which helps form a spiritual guideline for any organizational or social entity.

Philosophical Theories: Determinism, Compatibilism & Libertarianism


The determinism oriented philosophical theories consider the human life as a product of the physical universe. This approach to philosophy can be identified as a purely scientific theoretical ideology, as it seeks to define the human condition as per physical laws. The concept of cause and effect is a crucial complement of the deterministic philosophical though as it helps provides a rational reasoning behind the human nature and purpose of existence (Westen, ...
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