Destination Management - Edinburgh

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Destination Management - Edinburgh

Destination Marketing- Edinburgh

PEST Analysis

The PESTLE analysis refers to the analysis of the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors that are inhered with the destination of Edinburgh. The following is the PESTLE analysis of the selected destination.


The political factors and situation of Edinburg would have a great influence on the plan and strategies to be developed for the tourism plans in the future. First of all, the threat from terrorism is a great issue that exists and needs to be eradicated for making the future of Edinburgh sustainable. It is observed that the people all over the world are concerned about the terrorist threats to the region of United Kingdom. The airport security is very important to be revised and made more effective for making the people interested in visiting this destination of Edinburgh. The transport policy of the government related to the issues of air transport is very important in order to make the political environment of the large destination a preferable one for travelling for the people all over the world. The taxation policies of the government also play a vital role in making the political environment of Edinburgh (Great Britain, 2009, pp. 86). These entire political factors sum up to make the perception of the people all over the world who think of visiting Edinburgh and it also affects the tourism industry of Edinburgh.


Economic factors play a vital role in affecting the purchasing decision of potential customers and the offerings of the organizations. The economy of the United Kingdom is observed to be benefiting from a low inflation rate. IN regards to the destination of Edinburgh, the unemployment is low in the region and the job confidence is analyzed to be high. It is observed that the people could be more willing to visit this destination. The GDP growth of the region is also predicted to be continued along with the disposable income rate also to be grown at a higher rate. The exchange rates in Edinburgh are found to be favorable for the local residents as well as the international public to travel to Edinburgh. It has further been predicted that the economy of the United Kingdom in which Edinburgh exists is expected to remain one of the strongest economies of the world for the upcoming years. In addition to this, there will be a number of implications that would be involved in the tourism market of Edinburgh that would influence the growth of the tourism market of Edinburgh.


The trends in this society of Edinburgh have changed to a great extent and it is very important to understand that the emerging social trends influence the operations of business. The trends of internet access and buying through internet are very significant in the society of Edinburgh. The concern for safety and security of the people is also a very significant trend that is very important for the development of the tourism market and environment of ...
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